About Us

Independent Designers Emporium (IDE), is an Australian platform for designers and artists from around the world, to showcase their work and get profiled to the Australian marketplace. On the IDE site you will find and eclectic collection of online homewares, original art, art prints, furniture and hard to find gifts. All these collections are carefully curated to offer a unique homewares selection that will be hard to match. As well as home grown talent IDE is passionate about promoting from anywhere around the globe to bring unusual and inspired collections to Australia. We believe in sustainability, fostering the creative industries and pioneering a move away from the mass produced. "Original and Inspired creations for the smart consumer".

Websites & Online Services
Work: http://www.independentdesignersemporium.com.au

Office: 0401156534

Office: PO Box 9531, Pacific Paradise, 4564, Australia