About Us

InHouse Publishing has a strong team of independent publishing experts that offer the most up-to-date and creative input to any author’s book publishing journey. The most common question all potential authors have is, ‘How can I publish my book?’ Traditional publishing is one option, and self-publishing is another – but it is now Independent Book Publishing where the industry is flourishing. We follow the same process as traditional publishing; we offer manu appraisal, editing and proofreading, interior formatting, cover design, and book production, so you can be confident that InHouse Publishing offers the most simplified, secure, and supported service in book publishing you could ever need. Now with a fully operational distribution department, we also have created a strong network with Australian wholesalers, libraries, and bookshops to ensure that our authors’ books have the best chance of success. InHouse Publishing also offers strategic and proven methods for the marketing and promotion of your published book. We assist you in setting up a promotional platform and provide the correct tools for you and your book so that you can shout from the rooftops, ‘My book is here!’

Websites & Online Services
Work: http://www.inhousepublishing.com.au

Office: +61732087576

Office: 2/75 Parramatta Road, Underwood, 4119, Australia