Announcement posted by Get Real 07 Apr 2010
Rowdy McLean is the master (yes, master!) of getting things done and making things happen. He has guided thousands of everyday Australians to realise their potential and achieve success through his Get Real program - a motivational seminar on steroids! This year the Get Real program is crossing the Tasman to help New Zealanders raise the bar on their success.
In life, we all strive to acquire more - more money, more time, more freedom and more fulfillment! Ultimately, we desire to be happy. The Get Real question is ‘what measures are we pursuing to get us there’ and ‘are they working’?
Taking the leap into making things happen is not an easy one - without the right resources that is. Leading a more successful life and acquiring more wealth, time, freedom and fulfillment comes down to action. It’s simple - action equals outcomes. We dial a number to make a call. We turn on the television to watch a program. We eat to satisfy our appetite. So, we must take charge if we want to be happy.
To fulfill our desire to acquire we must first be crystal clear on what we want, why we want it and how badly we want it. Is it a must have, a should have or a could have? Once we have defined what we absolutely want and what we definitely must have, then we need to develop the right behaviours and habits to make it a reality. We must put in place a series of actions that we follow through on…no matter what! We need to incorporate consistency, discipline and accountability into the pursuit of our dreams.
A major component of personal development and acquiring those things that we SO want, does, in effect, come down to the people we ‘hang with’. To be successful, we need ‘hang with’ successful people. This year, the 5 people we spend the most time with will make the biggest impression on what we achieve, what we acquire and how successful we become. Rowdy explains this in more detail during the Get Real program.
Ask anyone who’s been fortunate to experience Rowdy, the guru on action, (and success) live and they will tell us that his Get Real system works. It puts them on the right path to creating successful outcomes time and time again. It’s even better when we get to share this light bulb moment in a room teeming with hundreds of other achievers.
For the first time in New Zealand, Rowdy will deliver his Get Real Seminar and introduce the art of making things happen and how to get more of what we want.
Rowdy has achieved many great things in his personal and professional life. He has played professional sport, is the owner of multi-million dollar enterprises, has contributed to several books including “Secrets of inspiring leaders” and “Top business builders” and best of all, was able to retire by the age of 34! So you’re probably feeling a twang of jealousy, right? Don’t fret, we can all achieve great things by learning from someone who’s been there, done the research and developed a framework that anyone can use to achieve results
You can read more about Rowdy and the Get Real program online at the New Zealand Herald or on his website
Usually the Get Real program costs $995 for a full day with Rowdy. Because this is the inaugural Seminar in New Zealand, Rowdy is offering Kiwis a special introductory price of just $295, so be quick to register as seats are limited. Rowdy’s confident that each person will experience one, if not many, light bulb moments during the full day, intensive event. So confident in fact, that by lunch, your ticket becomes free if you haven’t learnt a thing or two about creating more successful outcomes.
The seminar will be held at the Floating Pavilion in Auckland on Thursday, August 29th - to register, visit or for more information, email the Get Real team.
Copyright Creating Synergy 2010