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Compuware Expands the Industry’s Largest Global Performance Testing Network in Australia and New Zealand

Announcement posted by Bass PR 01 Aug 2011

Sydney - 1 August 2011- Compuware Corporation <http://www.compuware.com/>  (NASDAQ: CPWR), the technology performance company, today announced the expansion of its Gomez <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/>  global performance testing network in Australia and New Zealand with the launch of a dedicated Auckland backbone node.

Compuware operates the largest performance testing <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/web-load-testing.html> network in Australia for mobile, backbone and Last Mile <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/last-mile.html>  with nodes in Brisbane and Perth. The expansion of a dedicated Auckland backbone node provides organisations with the ability to more accurately test and monitor their web and mobile applications to identify performance issues in areas such as data centres, the Internet, browsers or third-party providers. Organisations can also test across different locations, including remote and regional centres and from more than 400 Last Mile consumer-grade desktops across Australia and New Zealand.
“The expansion of the Gomez network in Auckland is an indicator of our ongoing commitment in the ANZ market to address the regional and vertical market demand we’re experiencing from the media, telecommunications, financial services and government sectors, which are increasingly trying to drive compelling consumer web and mobile experiences,” said Rafi Katanasho, Application Performance Management <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/> Director for Australia and New Zealand, Compuware.  
The Gomez Global Performance Testing Network <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/what-makes-gomez-unique.html> is the world’s most comprehensive web application performance testing and monitoring network, comprising more than 150,000 Last Mile desktop computers, more than 150 commercial-grade Internet backbone nodes, a virtual test bed of over 500 browsers and operating systems combinations, and support for more than 5,000 mobile devices.
The Gomez Last Mile <http://www.gomez.com/products-solutions/products/web-performance-management/website-performance-monitoring/>  provides businesses with the broadest geographic insight into how their web applications perform at the “edge” of the Internet on real, consumer-grade desktop computers connected through dial-up, DSL, cable, and low and high broadband. The Last Mile provides on-demand active monitoring from more than 150,000 consumer-grade desktops connected to 2,500+ local ISPs and wireless carriers in 168+ countries around the globe. Performance testing <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/web-load-testing.html>  from the Last Mile provides object-level detail about the speed and availability of web applications as experienced by real consumer-grade computers, information that cannot be obtained by just testing performance from computers located in enterprise-grade data centres.
Gomez’s Internet backbone testing provides operational web performance monitoring <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/> 24x7x365 from finely-calibrated commercial-grade servers running in over 150 locations in world-class, high-bandwidth data centres around the globe. Organisations use this network to ensure their web and mobile applications are running at top speed and availability across top browsers like Internet Explorer and Firefox.  

The Gomez platform <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/the-gomez-platform.html> is the industry’s leading solution for optimising the performance of web, non-web, mobile, streaming and cloud applications. Driven by end-user experience <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/end-user-experience-synthetic-monitoring.html> , Gomez provides a unified view across the entire application delivery chain <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/what-makes-gomez-unique.html#unify> , from a user’s browser or mobile device, across the Internet or a corporate WAN, in the cloud, to inside the data centre eliminating blind spots from the First Mile <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/first-mile.html> to the Last Mile <http://www.compuware.com/application-performance-management/last-mile.html> .

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Compuware Corporation

Compuware Corporation, the technology performance company, provides software, experts and best practices to ensure technology works well and delivers value. Compuware solutions make the world’s most important technologies perform at their best for leading organisations worldwide, including 46 of the top 50 Fortune 500 companies and 12 of the top 20 most visited U.S. web sites. Learn more at: http://www.compuware.com