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Tablet has not killed the PC

Announcement posted by Compare Broadband 28 May 2012

Tablets have not killed personal computers in the home just yet, according to a poll
Tablets have not displaced personal computers in the home just yet, according to a poll, despite sales figures suggesting tablets are killing off the PC.

Compare Broadband, the broadband comparison website, asked visitors to the site "Would you replace your PC with an iPad or another tablet?" Of the 277 respondents, 80% said no.

Spokesperson for Compare Broadband, Adam Wajnberg, said: "We hear from many customers who have just bought a tablet and are looking for a plan. Although browsing the web, watching YouTube videos and sending emails are all easy activities on a tablet, it seems people are not ready to ditch the keyboard and mouse yet.

"Tablets are often seen as only a mobile option but they work well with a home Wi-Fi network too."

Earlier this year, IT analysts Telsyte reported 2.6 million Australians have bought a tablet and predicted this figure to rise to 11 million by 2016.

Simultaneously, PCs makers HP, Dell and Intel have flagged flat or losing quarters this year, while Apple has posted flat or small increases in iMac desktop computer sales.

Despite sales figures pointing to a trend in consumers buying tablets over desktops or laptops, the poll suggests they are not yet ready to entirely replace a personal computer with a tablet.

Customers looking for a 3G data plan with their tablets have the option to sign up to a 24-month contract, spreading the tablet payments over two years, similar to a mobile phone.

Compare Broadband's tips for tablets

• Use a Bluetooth keyboard if you need to do a lot of typing on your tablet. All-in-one keyboard, case and stands are available which will make working on a document much easier
• If you don't have the cash up front for a tablet and you also need data, consider a 24-month plan
• Most smartphones have a 'tethering' option, creating a Wi-Fi hotspot your tablet can connect to while out and about, so you may not need separate data plans for your phone and tablet
• Call Compare Broadband on 1300 764 000 to find out which tablets are available on a contract, or for information on SIM-only plans



Would you replace your PC with an iPad or another tablet? Yes, I don't need a desktop or laptop now I have a tablet, 18% (49 votes). No, 80% (223 votes). Other, 2% (5 votes). Total Votes: 277

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