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LexisNexis & Mobile Mentor Mobilise Legal Profession

Announcement posted by Sphere Public Relations 27 Nov 2012

Global legal content and technology provider, LexisNexis and trans-Tasman mobile solutions company, Mobile Mentor, today announced a partnership that will enable legal professionals in Australia and New Zealand to embrace mobile technology fully.

As part of this agreement Mobile Mentor will offer its range of services to LexisNexis' client base of law firms, bar chambers and government agencies by advising on mobile strategy, securing smartphones and tablets and managing mobile devices, services and apps to drive a step-change in productivity.

According to LexisNexis Pacific, smartphones and tablets are rapidly replacing large volumes of paper and changing the way legal professionals operate day to day, with nearly 50 per cent of Australian lawyers already using mobile devices for legal research.

"The legal profession is no different from many other areas of the professional services industry when it comes to the growing Bring-Your-Own-Device trend, but the associated risks and ramifications for these organisations are far more serious," said Tyson Wienker, LexisNexis Pacific Director of Strategy, Technology & Product Development.

"Unsecured tablets represent a clear security and privacy risk for lawyers and their clients. However, while 60 per cent of practitioners use personal tablets for work, just 10 per cent of legal firms have an IT strategy in place to cover tablet usage.

"In addition, many law firm IT departments are finding themselves increasingly challenged by the need to provide on-the-go support across a range of operating systems and devices," said Mr Wienker.

Unauthorised access to privileged client information on unsecured mobile devices is a clear and very real challenge for law firms keeping pace with technology. Legal service providers are actively stepping up their mobile security strategies while at the same time ensuring their legal practitioners maximise their productivity and earning potential.

Mobile Device Management services such as 'over-the-air' enrolment and configuration of devices, policy enforcement and security measures such as passcode enforcement, remote wiping and locking of devices are at the heart of the joint offering by LexisNexis and Mobile Mentor.

Additional options include 24/7 end-user helpdesk and hardware repair and replacement, saving busy law practitioners time and keeping them productive on the go.

Denis O'Shea, CEO, Mobile Mentor said: "Maximising productivity and earning potential as well as maintaining confidentiality are top priorities for every law professional and so using mobile technology to enable them to perform at their full potential, protected all the while by strict security is paramount for all firms in the legal sector."

About Mobile Mentor

Mobile Mentor is an independent provider of mobile management solutions for enterprise and government. Our mission is to empower our clients to realise the maximum benefit of mobile technology. We create a step change in productivity by mentoring mobile users, managing mobile devices and optimising costs. In addition, with our consultancy and professional services we assist clients to navigate mobile strategy, BYOD, enterprise applications, roaming and security.
For more information about Mobile Mentor, visit www.mobile-mentor.com.

About LexisNexis Pacific

LexisNexis® Pacific is the leading provider of local and international news, business, tax and legal information, using leading-edge technology, tools and digital solutions. Both in Australia (www.lexisnexis.com.au) and New Zealand (www.lexisnexis.co.nz), LexisNexis Pacific works in close collaboration with its customers to provide content-enabled workflow systems for professionals in law firms, corporations, government, law enforcement, tax, accounting, academic institutions and compliance assessment.

For media information contact:
Louise Roberts
Sphere PR – For Mobile Mentor
Email: louise@spherepr.com.au This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel: +61(0)2 9388 7779
Mobile: +61 (0)405 579633
Andrew Rowe
Chief Marketing Officer
LexisNexis Pacific
Tel: +61 2 9422 200
Email: andrew.rowe@lexisnexis.com.au This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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Louise Roberts

Managing Director

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