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How to Maintain your Sauna For Better Useage

Announcement posted by Deluxe Products 14 Apr 2014

Many years ago, the Finnish discovered that pouring water over heated rocks in an enclosed room created a dry, hot heat. This is where the sauna was born. Nowadays, you see saunas everywhere, from resorts, spas and even in the home. With their many health advantages, saunas have become a natural way of helping treat a range of medical conditions.

With very minimal maintenance you can keep your sauna looking great.

STEP 1: Do not paint, varnish or stain the interior portions with normal paint or varnish. The wood needs to breathe. Artificial finishes can create a much hotter surface on the wood, creating fumes from the wood treatment, and take away some of the “softness” of the heat and steam penetrating the wood.

STEP 2: Keep a hand brush near the sauna door. The last person out dips the brush into a bucket of water, and does a quick scrubbing on the benches, walls, backrests, etc. This 30-second ritual will prevent the need to use anything stronger than clan water on the wood portions.

STEP 3: After you are finished using your sauna, and cleaning it, prop the duckboards off the floor. Leave the sauna door open to air it out. The heat remaining in the rocks and wood will dry the sauna completely. It can even dry the shower area down, if it is adjacent to the sauna room.

STEP 4: If you get some dirt or sweat stains developing use a hand brush, but ensure to use warm water with mild detergent. To get the benches looking like new, lightly sand your benches about once a year. It will whiten them to a “like new” condition. If you should happen to have mold develop anywhere clean with bleach.

STEP 5: Depending on how frequently you use your sauna, occasionally wet-mop the floor, with a liquid deodorizing cleaner. With these simple maintenance tips your sauna will stay inviting, fresh and enjoyable to use. 

STEP 6:  For all the outdoor saunas, it’s best to put it under cover when the item is not in use. The wood could crack under dramatic temperature difference or strong sun light.


Disclaimer: The above is a general guide. Maintain your sauna at your own risk. Visit Many years ago, the Finnish discovered that pouring water over heated rocks in an enclosed room created a dry, hot heat. This is where the sauna was born. Nowadays, you see saunas everywhere, from resorts, spas and even in the home. With their many health advantages, saunas have become a natural way of helping treat a range of medical conditions.

 For more information, visit the Deluxe Products website.