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New Dog Toy Kickstarter Campaign Capitalizes on Scent-Oriented Canines

Announcement posted by My Clever Dog 22 Sep 2014

Schnuzzle™ – Your Best Friend’s New Best Friend

ADELAIDE, Australia (September 21, 2014)Schnuzzle™, the worlds first interactive dog toy that holds an innovative, changeable scent reward has hit the market. The added bonus? It will make dogs fit, not fat!

Dog lover and entrepreneur Justin Daley created the Schnuzzle when his 14-year-old Labrador, Oscar, was ill and on a restricted diet; no food treats were allowed. When Daley realised that scent was the key to entertaining his pet, he got to work.

Daley and his team from My Clever Dog spent 12 months prototyping and testing the world first Schnuzzle, the super strong, connectable and colourful toy system. To really take his innovative chew toy to the next level, Daley created Scent Disc™. The unique Scent Disc surface is layered with combinations of micro-encapsulated food aromas and essential oils that pets find irresistible. Discs including B.B.Q. beef, roast chicken and honey bacon will captivate a dog from the first sniff, but are hardly noticeable to humans.

“From a short distance you probably won’t even be able to detect the smell yourself, but your dog will find it irresistible,” Daley said.

Every time it’s played with (or turned), Schnuzzle will release more scent and continues to release its scent for days, making it a great way to stimulate, entertain or calm your dog, even when you’re not there. A distinct advantage of Scent Disc over any food treat is that it contains no calories, making it suitable for puppies, and ideal for overweight and older dogs.

Schnuzzle is built super tough and all parts are replaceable and recyclable, allowing pet owners to swap a worn part rather than throwing away the entire toy. All Schnuzzle and Scent Disc materials are premium quality, 100 percent pet-safe and proudly manufactured in the U.S.A. and Australia by My Clever Dog, worldwide patents pending.

Launched on September 14, Schnuzzle has to meet their Kickstarter goal of $75,000 by October 14 in order to receive their funds and distribute the product worldwide. For more information regarding the Schnuzzle launch, visit the Schnuzzle Kickstarter campaign page.