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Childcare Centre Manager in Perth Reveals How Children Learn through Play

Announcement posted by Cuddles Childcare Centre 13 Oct 2014

Operations Manager of Cuddles Childcare Centres in Perth explains success of “Learning Through Play” approach to childcare.
Perth, WA, 13 October 2014 - At any Cuddles Childcare Centre in the Perth area, children will usually be busy and happy engaging in one of many different play activities. Their “Learning Through Play” motto is ingrained into every facet of their approach to preschool care. Recently, on the company’s blog, Operations Manager Michelle Novatscou published a piece explaining how children learn and relating it to the “Learning Through Play” approach.

According to Ms Novatscou: “The concept of learning through play is quick and to the point, but we realised that it might be helpful to relate it to how children learn to help demonstrate its efficacy. While the concept sounds simple, it is well-grounded in scientific knowledge of how the brain works and how children are able to learn so fast. It is estimated that a baby, for example, learns more in its first year than at any other time of life. This is all accomplished by being and living, with no textbooks.”

The Learning Environment

Children, for the most part, learn best in an environment they perceive as “safe.” This means that the child feels they are free to imagine, play, explore and make mistakes without being ridiculed or over-supervised. When a child learns through play, they are learning without making a conscious effort to learn. They are simply playing and figuring things out as they go along.

Children need to be inspired; they need a reason to learn. This is best accomplished by their direct involvement in the process. If a child is participating in any task, whether it is a game or simply pointing out animals in a park, that child is learning effortlessly.

Ms Novatscou uses the kitchen as an example: “One of our most fun activities for children is called “Shake ‘n’ Bake.” We bake things like cookies and have the kids help out with easy, simple tasks. Then, they get to eat the cookies afterwards. They get to be part of the process and learn along the way. They are learning such skills as mathematics and measurement while developing their fine motor skills. But all they are thinking about is having fun and making cookies.”

Direct Involvement

Children learn best by direct involvement in whatever they are doing. They learn by observation, responding to voices, listening, mimicking the actions and behaviours of others. They learn by singing songs or playing games, alone or with others. They learn by exploring the world around them and experimenting with substances such as dirt, sand and water.

Children also learn by asking a lot of questions. Parents often tire of hearing their child ask “why,” but every “why” is an opportunity to help shape a child by giving them the answer they requested.

Ms Novatscou concludes, “Children learn best through play and we are glad to do our part.”

Cuddles Childcare Centres have three locations in the Perth area. Their motto is “Learning Through Play.” They offer a wide range of activities that provide ample opportunities for both collaborative and individual play. To learn more or to arrange for child care, contact any of their three locations on their website: http://www.cuddleschildcare.com.au/.