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Tigerspike and Blu5 View forge partnership to create next generation mobile and Internet of Things security

Announcement posted by Tigerspike 10 Dec 2014

SYDNEY –  10 December, 2014 – Global enterprise technology company, Tigerspike and security specalist Blu5 View today announced a partnership that combines the strengths of each company to deliver a suite of next-generation security products, designed for mobile and the Internet of Things.
Tigerspike’s Future Technology division, led by Stuart Christmas in Singapore, has invented a new, quantum-resistant encryption algorithm called Karacell that is both stronger than the current AES256 encryption standard and much faster, while consuming minimal battery power. Tigerspike is collaborating with Blu5 and leveraging its PipeComm technology to develop a suite of next generation products based around this new networking and encryption technology combination.
According to Luke Janssen, Founder and Executive Chairman of Tigerspike, there is a growing demand for non-AES based encryption standards in the post-Snowdon era, and the current level of demand is only the tip of the iceberg.
“Current security standards were designed in the 1990s when mobile was just emerging and the ‘Internet of Things’ did not exist. The security standards in use today are outdated and not fit-for-purpose in an increasingly connected world. The partnership between Tigerspike and Blu5 View will deliver a much-needed new generation of security products, custom tailored for mobile and IoT connected devices.”
One area where security is significantly lacking is the Internet of Things, including Wearable Technology. Many IoT devices do not have any security at all as encryption based on current standards is too slow and requires too much battery power. As more and more personal information is shared with these devices it is crucial that this data be secured. From pacemakers to car navigation systems, from medical data to identity information, location data to password keys, the consequences of this data falling in to the wrong hands would be serious.
In addition to performance and battery drain, another macro trend driving demand for new security solutions is a concern that governments or hackers are eavesdropping on conversations and obtaining confidential information. For those who have this concern, AES or other encryption standards that are approved by the NSA, CESG or other government bodies are not to be trusted.
Blu5 has been providing security to governments and large corporations in Asia and Europe for over five years. Bringing together a team of professionals with extensive experience in ICT security, Blu5 developed PipeComm, a disruptive networking technology tuned for end-to-end security. PipeComm enables seamless secure communications over mobile and fixed networks and supports IoT by design.
“Tigerspike’s outstanding experience in mobile, coupled with its Karacell cryptographic work, will help us realise PipeComm’s full potential and put it to use,” said Paolo Rossini, Managing Director of Blu5 View. “We have great expectations that this new breed of security products will be the expression of Blu5’s “Not The Usual” approach”.
A key advantage that Karacell has over AES, in addition to the strength of its encryption security, is that it is simple and transparent. Its strength can be independently verified by whoever is implementing it, using relatively rudimentary mathematics. There is no need to rely on ‘certification’ by a government body. Furthermore, Karacell has no backdoors or master keys unless the organisation using it chooses to set one up, so organisations can be confident that they are in total control of the information they secure with this solution.
Janssen said, “A key strategy for Karacell is to spread our ground breaking technology wider via select partners, to support corporations and governments who are ready for a new security standard to replace the old. When 90 per cent of the security industry is iterative innovation at best, finding companies like Blu5 who are ahead of the curve and thinking about things before they happen, is really refreshing. We are very pleased to be working together on next generation security.”
About Tigerspike
Tigerspike is a global enterprise technology company specialising mobile and digital products. Across eight markets, Tigerspike works with Fortune 1000 companies to define, design and deliver engaging digital experiences for their consumers and employees.
Tigerspike's Phoenix platform has been simplifying complex integrations and enabling secure multi-device experiences across all personal technology devices since 2003. By adding a layer of user experience and contextual intelligence into Phoenix through its Kallide UX process and analytics, Tigerspike is able to produce software user experiences that delight consumers and employees. Customers have found this leads to increased sales, reduced costs, happier employees and greater productivity.

With over 60 awards in 11 years, the company has a reputation for innovation that creates long-term partnerships. Its customers include AMEX, Shell, Emirates, Standard Chartered, Kaiser Permanente, Woolworths, Westfield, News Corporation, Direct TV, Novartis and Vodafone.
About Blu5
BLU5 View concentrates its activity on the development of integrated hardware-software platforms and network solutions, designed to deliver trust in the mobile environment.   The company develops and sells mSE™, a powerful trusted element, designed in the format of a microSD card and the PipeComm® range of networking and communication solutions providing an innovative approach for mobile services implementation.
PipeComm® and mSE™ are core enablers for system integrators and developers that want to build their mobile applications on the fast track, using reliable platforms and ensuring security and trust. PipeComm® and mSE™ based platforms and solutions are used by forward-looking organizations willing to embrace mobility in secure way across every line of business.
Blu5 has sales and implementation offices in Asia Pacific and in Europe. Its solutions support major mobile operating systems, running on all networks with an operator independent approach.  Blu5 is a finalist for Singapore Emerging Enterprise Award 2014.
For further information, please contact:
Richelle Gillett, Senior Consultant, Einsteinz Communications
richelle@einsteinz.com.au                p) 02 8905 0995                  m) 0418 781 610
Clarissa Piriz, Global Marketing Manager, Tigerspike
clarissa.piriz@tigerspike.com            p) 02 9361 5132                  m) 0424491714