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A Clever Trick yield maximum benefit from your granny flat

Announcement posted by Inhouse Granny Flats 21 Feb 2015

Inhouse Granny Flats builders proud themselves for contributing a change to the conventional belief of Granny Flats to fitting the criteria of modern buildings which, respond to their surroundings, exploring further in integrating indoors and out, bearing in mind the existing house. If anything the builders make sure, our Granny Flats not only compliment the family home but also in reality improve it. If you are building a granny flat to be occupied by a family member, or solemnly for tenants to rent, our Granny Flats builders will assess and make sure that our Design will portray your interest at first, making sure we accustom your needs.


Our modern Granny Fats are simple, straightforward form, which sits on a concrete slab, or piers, crowned by a well insulated metal or brick roof, in order to acknowledge the physical and climatic character. Glazed windows are used to advantage, by trapping winter heat whilst excluding summer sun. Cooling breezes and air movement are encouraged in summer and cold winter winds are excluded. All of the above are architectural features found in modern residential dwellings in one of the most renowned postcodes all over Sydney.


Our modern Granny Flats finishes and interior are compatible with state of the art modern designs, featuring an open space that steps short of the inclined ceiling, the main living space at the center of the Granny Flat contains sleek designed kitchen, dining area, and living room that opens to the outdoors with sliding glass doors.


Our builders has been building Granny flats all over NSW, their dealing with many of our clients, cemented our belief that Granny flats are so popular not only to families but to investors largely. What we are experiencing in market today, is a huge shift in making Granny flats a source of income, helping with payment of mortgages, releasing young couples from the pressure of buying a house in a median range price, compromising their comfort and ability to renovate.


For investors, the fact that Granny Flats are presenting a lucrative opportunity of two-rental income to service one property is highly appealing. Our Granny Flat builders are committed to deliver the end product on time, making sure our granny Flats would achieve 10%-15% yield from rent which brings us to strongly conclude, that Granny Flats are surely providing sound investments to many families and investors. 

For more information on how to transform your backyard into a source of income call us on 1300 650 495