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A new kindle ebook for people having difficulty shaking off the effects of a traumatic life event

Announcement posted by I Forgive You 26 May 2015

Australian business woman Sue Henry, founder of the I Forgive You app, professional speaker,  author and communication expert has just released a new ebook in the Amazon Kindle store for people having difficulty living with the effects of a traumatic life events such as death, divorce, loss, betrayal, separation, rejection, heart break and regret.

In recent years Sue has reached had to shake off the effects of trauma and grief and has reached forgiveness for one of humanity’s greatest tragedies, the murder of a close family member.

Sue then moved forward and wanted to help others feeling the lingering effects of trauma. She combined her life experience and communication expertise. Resulting in the ebook covering the practical skills you can do each day, working through a guide and the mobile app that takes human interaction to the digital age.

“The ebook is designed to lead people to find their own way of moving forward by exploring how people make decisions, the ingredients for finding happiness and selecting practical things they can do each day to find peace” said Henry.

The ebook is available for immediate download in the Amazon Kindle Store for $9.99

For more information visit www.bit.ly/1cf5Kjc or call Sue Henry on +61418506671+61418506671

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