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Why wait for a food recall to get your supply chain under control?

Announcement posted by BSI Group ANZ Pty Ltd 10 Jul 2015

Having your brand reputation damaged is not worth the risk. That’s why it’s imperative to quantify supply chain risk, so your company can trade with confidence and build lasting resilience with suppliers.

Safe, quality products earn the trust of the consumer. This trust is easily lost in the event of product recall due to contamination. Many issues contributing to food recalls are a result of supply chain controls thathave failed, with effective supply chain management being a common issue in the industry. Although the initial cost of a recall can be determined, the long term impact from damage to brand and organizational reputation may be difficult to regain.

The purpose of this paper is to define the impact of a food recall and the negative effects it may have on an organization. In addition, this paper will look at supply chains and how their failing to manage their inherent risks could result in a damaging food recall.

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