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Take the Sting out of Sweat Rash & Chafing

Announcement posted by Outsource2Us 08 Oct 2015

Take the sting out of sweat rash and chafing 

As summer approaches so does the increased chance of suffering from sweat rash and chafing caused by sweating. It can be extremely uncomfortable, very painful and even embarrassing. 

And if you have ever suffered from sweat rash or chafing, you know that you’d do anything to soothe the soreness. 

That’s where Neat 3B Body Saver Cream by Neat Feat comes into play. 

Developed by New Zealand doctors for the heat and humidity of the Australian and New Zealand climate, it was the first product of its kind in the world.

This fabulous soothing cream is medically formulated and incorporates an effective antiperspirant in an emollient (to reduce the amount of sweat produced) and a soothing cream base for application to areas where skin surfaces rub together and become inflamed due to chafing. 

Neat Feat Managing Director, Ant Laity said, “Sweat rash is an extremely uncomfortable side effect of sweating that is caused by yeast and bacteria that occurs naturally on the skin. It typically happens where chafing occurs or when sweat gets trapped between two layers of touching skin (or between skin and clothes), mainly between the legs, beneath the breasts and between the buttocks, however it can also occur on the nipples and under the arms.

“It is painful and often embarrassing, and can get to the point where it’s difficult for the sufferer to carry out daily activities. In severe cases, if left untreated, sweat rash under folds of skin can become infected and require medical treatment.”

People are more prone to chafing if they are athletes or participate in sports, walk a lot, work in strenuous or outdoor jobs, are very active, and it is often worse when the weather is hot causing them to sweat more.

Overweight people are also particularly prone, especially under the folds of their skin. This is an increasing problem as obesity is steadily on the rise.

Ant Laity said, “With the incidence of obesity increasing so rapidly we are seeing people suffer more and more health problems, including the painful and severe side effects of sweat rash. Demand for our body saver cream is at an all time high, with customers grateful that can get some sort of relief.”


Chafe No More:


Eight tips for alleviating sweat rash and chafing


1.    Wear suitable clothes. Clothes that are too tight or too loose can irritate the skin easily. Try wearing clothing that is well fitting, but not too tight. Often the misconception is that loose clothing helps prevent chafing, but this can actually make matters worse. Skin can chafe against looser clothes, especially at seams, and create chafing or worsen the problem.

2.    Wear natural fabrics when you can. Keep away from anything that is rough or scratchy, no matter how good it looks on you. Synthetic garments are no good either as they trap moisture and worsen the condition.

3.    When you exercise or work in a job that makes you sweat, or basically do anything to make you sweat, make sure you wear clothing that absorbs sweat as the dampness caused by excessive sweat build up will only aggravate the skin condition. Cotton isn’t a good choice as it absorbs the heat and the moisture. Opt for special sportswear garments that draw the sweat away, keep you cool and don’t retain the moisture.

4.    Shower as soon as you finish exercising or participating in activities that make you sweat excessively. Dried sweat on your skin is irritating because of the salt content. Rinsing it off can minimise the risk of chafing. Be sure to choose non-drying gentle soap, because skin that is dried out is likely to chafe.

5.    Wash your clothes after each use as dried sweat, dirt and other irritants on clothing can make chafing worse. Choose natural washing powder or washing powder for sensitive skin.

6.    Hot showers affect sensitive skin badly. So opt for cooler showers. Let your body air-dry. Be sure to lubricate skin with 3B Body Saver. This eases skin irritation and burning.

7.    Stay cool as much as possible. When you are cool, you are less likely to sweat.

8.    Stay hydrated - drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Among other things, staying well hydrated will help prevent chafing by allowing you to perspire freely. When you stop perspiring your sweat will form salt crystals on your body increasing friction.

9.    It is very important to take care of chafed skin, as it can get infected easily, especially under the folds of skin in overweight people. If your skin begins chafing, be sure to bathe the affected skin with cool water twice a day. Either let the skin air dry or pat dry with a soft towel. Some people like to dry to affected area with a hair dryer, for better results. Complete the routine by applying 3B Body Saver Cream on the affected area. This keeps infection at bay.

Body Saver Cream is available through leading chemists.

RRP: $16.95
