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Savvy New Home Builders Saving Cool Cash This Summer

Announcement posted by Easystart Homes 23 Oct 2015

Using you air con throughout summer keeps you cool, but it drains your bank account. The temperature increases dramatically over summer in WA, along with the cost of our power bills! Here are a few tips to keep cool during summer without  drying up your savings.

1.Go Green (literally!)
Most heat that accumulates inside new homes (Perth) comes directly from the sun shining onto the roof or through windows. To combat the heat, plant leafy trees and shrubs around your home’s exterior to stop so much sun from reaching the inside. 

2.Cover Your Windows
Prevention is better than cure! Experts say up to 30 percent of unwanted heat comes from your windows, which are best covered from the inside. Keep curtains and blinds closed during the day to block the heat and direct sunlight.

3.Get Grilling
Fire up the BBQ rather than using the kitchen oven. Sounds obvious, but when it’s already scorching hot, using your oven or stove-top will definitely make it worse. Same applies for halogen lights, dishwashers and dryers; avoid using heat-producing appliances during the hottest part of the day. 

4.Dual-Purpose DIY Cooling
You can improvise an evaporative cooler by drying a load of washing in front of a fan. This nifty trick will also save your clothes, because sun exposure gradually fades coloured fabric.

5.Cool Your Body
Rather than focussing on cooling the entire house, concentrate your efforts on cooling you. Avoid sleepless summer nights by placing a hot water-bottle filled with ice-cold water by your feet, and a spray bottle by your bed to keep your body damp. And never underestimate hydration! Keep stacks of water cool in the fridge and encourage everyone in the family to drink it often. 

Chill your bills and building costs with WA’s best value new home builders – New Generation Homes.

The heat is on! New Generation Homes are the new home builders leading from the front, with an exciting range of new homes Perth builders love. Their experienced team of home builders (Perth) can help you build a value-packed home that looks and feels cool all year round! 

If you’re after hot deals on cool new homes (Perth), look no further than the new home builders (Perth) who pack value into everything they do.  New Generation Homes have award-winning homes in Perth and the South West which that are stacked with features and packed with inclusions.

Contact the team at New Generation Homes today to sort out a cool deal of your own!