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Damage to Masonry walls - when is cracking defective

Announcement posted by Master Building Inspectors 17 May 2016

Perth's leading building inspection company - Master Building Inspectors, can provide expert advice on cracking to masonry walls. Director of this well regarded company Mr Josh Briggs explains: Most residential houses in Perth are double brick construction which is not as flexible as traditional brick veneer properties and can lead to settlement cracking. Many client's call with concerns about the level of cracking in their homes. 
An experienced building inspector  will reference Australian Standard 2870: Residential slabs and footings to classify damage to walls. This standard categories cracking, primarily by width and stipulates the required repair. Generally cracking over 5 mm in width is classified as defective with repairs required. This may involve breaking out and replacing sections of the wall. 
Master Building Inspectors can be contacted directly at this link for further information http://www.masterbuildinginspectors.com.au