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Announcement posted by MB Design 01 Jun 2016

Nanotechtronics has released for sale three new power savings cards for the Australian and New Zealand markets, set to save people thousands of dollars on their electricity bills. They feature cards for the everyday user right though to big industry.

With electricity in Australia increasing at nearly four times the rate of inflation over the last five years (Australian Institute of Public Affairs) these cards will come as a relief to many.

With the average household bill being over $1000 it’s no wonder consumers are starting to look for more than just conventional ways to decrease living or operating costs.  The Nanotechtronics Truepwer Savings Card has had some fantastic initial feedback with customers saving up to 30%.

The cards are intelligently designed by combining US and German technologies of quantum physics, they reduce electricity wastage by using a proprietary environmentally friendly energy system. They create a vibration powerful enough to reduce excess electricity spikes within the wiring system. The wave generating chip inside the card helps regulate the shape of voltage and electric waves.

Excess electricity feeding is the major problem of every commercial or non-commercial enterprise, this excess electricity use is preventable using the Nanotechtronics Truepower Savings Card.

With prices starting at $110.00 AUD who can afford not to.

www.nanotechtronics.com (cards available for prize give-aways).