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6 Reasons You Need a Business Budget Now

Announcement posted by BudgetOne 14 Jul 2016

6 Reasons You Need a Business Budget Now

Developing a business budget is more than simply setting a spending limit for the fiscal year. While an effective budget does assist in guiding expenditures, its true value lies in gaining crucial knowledge and insights that lead to smarter business decisions.

The sooner you implement a professionally curated business budget the sooner you’ll reap the rewards.

Here are 6 great reasons to start budgeting now:

1 – Reduce Stress & Sleep Tight

Knowing which operational results may cause trouble ahead of time enables the enactment of action plans that fix issues before they affect your bottom line. Instead of wasting time and energy looking for the problem, your efforts can be focused on executing forward thinking solutions.

Experience peace of mind in financial stability.

2 – Stellar Cash Flow

Insights into exactly how much money you actually need on a monthly basis allows for improved financial management. Pay bills with ease. Invoice clients in a timely manner. Plan ahead to ensure you have ample cash to cover obligations throughout the year.

The secret to proper cash flow management begins with a budget plan.

3 – Achieve Growth Objectives

Knowledge surrounding the blockers to your success is everything. The reason you need a budget is that proper planning puts you in the driver’s seat without slowing you down.

Shift how you manage your organisation. Find clarity. Understand where to trim expenses and focus on profit & cost drivers to create sustainable growth for your future.

4 – Build a Contingency Fund for Unexpected Costs

Knowing exactly how much money you need to run your business makes it easy to effectively allocate excess funds into growth initiatives and cash reserves.

The capacity to cover unexpected expenses provides not only an effective risk management solution but the ability to recover quickly from unforeseen pitfalls. A contingency fund makes it easy to get back on track when stumbling blocks get in the way and only proper budgeting will give you the knowledge to identify how large of a buffer you need to allot.

5 – Realise Work/Life Balance

You deserve a break and working with a budget gives you the confidence to take your family away worry free.

Budgeting makes it easier to meet obligations and generate a surplus. This surplus allows you to put management and customer service strategies in place to ensure smooth sailing while you’re enjoying a well-earned holiday.

6 – Set Yourself Up for the Future

Feel assured in knowing the decisions you make today contribute to the long-term growth of your investment portfolio.

A smart business budget delegates resources to develop a solid retirement plan. Build personal wealth and execute strategies to fulfil and exceed retirement life expectations.

Let Your Business Budget Guide Life Success

Have you been relying on your gut instinct alone to make important business decisions?

In some situations, you don’t have all the facts and use intuition. That’s o.k, we all do, but when it comes to making big decisions, information can be used advantageously to consider all of the options and make significant judgements with complete confidence.

Effective planning and a reliable business budget identify early warnings, so you can control and minimise risk.  Corrective actions of underperforming business drivers will allow you to turn performance around, recover quickly and forge ahead to achieve your life goals.

If you need help creating a business budget that lets you KNOW your business’ performance blockers and make it easier to DECIDE strategies along with actions and SUCCEED, call Taso on 0429 142 413.

 Author, Taso Tounis

Taso Tounis is a business planning, cash flow management and budgeting consultant. He is passionate about helping business owners, organisations’ leaders and managers achieve better financial results, through insightful reporting. Learn more about Taso.

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