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Invisalign or Braces: A Dentist in Joondalup Sets the Record Straight

Announcement posted by 1300 Great Smile 03 Aug 2016

This dentist in Joondalup provides vital facts on Invisalign and braces to help patients make the right choice.
Joondalup, WA, 03 August 2016 - Until a few years ago, people who needed their teeth straightened had one choice: conventional braces. However, people now have a more modern choice: Invisalign invisible braces. This causes some confusion for dental patients who want to know which would be their best individual choice. Recently, a dentist in Joondalup provided a near-blueprint for choosing between braces and Invisalign on his company blog.

The dentist, Dr Roy Sarmidi, is a dentist for 1300 Great Smile, who have two locations in the Joondalup area. According to Dr Sarmidi: “Invisalign is one of the most exciting dental innovations we’ve had since I’ve been a dentist. They provide an option for some who want straight teeth but don’t want to walk around with conventional braces in their mouths.”

While both Invisalign and braces are designed to straighten teeth and improve one’s oral health, Invisalign presents a less invasive and more discreet way to straighten teeth. Unfortunately, however, they aren’t for everyone.

The Main Differences Between Invisalign and Braces

Invisalign invisible braces are made of BPA-free plastic while conventional braces are made of silver. Conventional braces are glued to the mouth and then tied together by a series of rubber bands and wires. Conventional braces are easy to see but now they are available in colours that are closer to that of the tooth enamel.

Conventional braces are kept in the mouth all day, every day, for approximately 24 months. They are cleaned the same way the teeth are: by brushing and rinsing.

Invisalign can be taken in and out of the mouth whenever you want. They are taken out for eating and for drinking everything except water. They can be cleaned with a special kit or brushed and rinsed in tepid water. Since they are clear plastic, they are invisible when they are over your teeth.

Anyone who plays a contact sport on a regular basis should choose Invisalign because the metal in the braces can wreak havoc with the tissue inside the mouth. However, there are some people who can’t use Invisalign. If teeth need to be rotated or moved up and down, Invisalign won’t work. Also, it does take discipline to keep Invisalign in the mouth 22-24 hours a day.

Making the Final Choice

According to Dr Sarmidi: “There are a number of other factors involved but for those who can choose either option, it comes down to personal preference. Invisalign costs a little bit more than braces do but they feel and look better to most people. The convenience of being able to remove Invisalign while you eat is a big factor for a lot of people. Those who would be embarrassed by the appearance of braces are extremely happy with Invisalign. Ultimately, both are great options. It’s all a matter of what makes you the most comfortable and does the best job for you.”

1300 Great Smile provides dental services in Joondalup. They offer Invisalign, dental implants, porcelain veneers and other cosmetic procedures. They also have an emergency dentist on hand seven days a week with long hours Monday-Friday in their Joondalup office. To learn more or to arrange for an appointment, call 1300 473 287 or visit their website: http://www.1300greatsmile.com.au/.