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Timber Suppliers in Brisbane Continue to Help the Environment

Announcement posted by Narangba Timbers 06 Oct 2016

Timber suppliers located in the Brisbane area reveal why they are so committed to ethical and sustainable forestry.
Brisbane, QLD, 06 October 2016 - Some timber suppliers in Brisbane feel a responsibility to always do business in an ethical and sustainable manner. Narangba Timbers is one of those timber suppliers. Located in Brisbane, they have built a reputation for low prices, stellar customer service and their commitment to ethical harvesting of timber.

Why Ethical Harvesting of Timber Helps the Environment

When timber is harvested ethically, it has a positive effect on the environment because timber stores carbon. The carbon footprint of a process is currently deemed the most accurate way to assess positive or negative environmental impact. The more carbon a process produces, the more damaging it is to the environment.

Carbon is the main component of greenhouse gases that cause global warming or climate change. Most processes produce carbon and therefore have a negative effect on the environment.

Trees store carbon. They have a negative carbon footprint. They “breathe” in our air and take carbon out of it to produce timber fibres. All of the weight of a tree, all of the timber, is made of carbon. When trees are ethically harvested, each tree is cut down when its peak period of carbon storage is over. It is then replaced by a new tree and the cycle starts over again.

Plantations are designed to keep the cycle going with little to no change. New trees keep storing more carbon, people get their timber to build with and everyone is happy. Ideally, timber plantation is large enough that there are always trees to be harvested and the plantation never runs out of land or trees.

Plantations help the environment as a whole, but they also help it in smaller ways such as maintaining a home for animals and other species of plants.

When timber is unethically harvested, it can destroy large segments of the environment. When trees aren’t replaced, the carbon storage cycle is broken, more oxygen is used and more carbon is put back into the environment. It also causes many species of animals and plants to be endangered because their living environment has been destroyed.

A Timber Supplier’s Point of View

Jack Kyle is the owner of Narangba Timbers, timber suppliers in the Brisbane area. According to Mr Kyle: “We believe wholeheartedly in sustainable timber because we want to leave a decent world for our grandchildren. At the rate the world is going, our climate is going to be a lot different for our children than it was for us. Think about how bad it could be for their children. Something has to be done about it.”

Mr Kyle concluded: “ We can’t change the entire world, but we can certainly do our part and tell as many people about it as possible. It is our duty to future generations to leave the best world we can leave for them.”

Narangba Timbers are the premier timber suppliers in the Brisbane area. They pride themselves on low prices, great customer service and a commitment to ethical and sustainable forestry. They offer timber for construction, timber decking, timber fencing, timber flooring and a host of other projects and applications. To learn more, call (07) 3888 1293 or visit their website: http://www.narangbatimbers.com.au/.