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TradesNetwork actually connect people with professional service providers

Announcement posted by TradesNetwork 18 Feb 2017

Discover thousands of trusted and verified by us service providers ready to provide you with a range of services
People like you and me are visiting Trades Network every day to find a solution for their problems.
We know how hard it is to trust a pro or a business online and to get a quote for a specific project that you want done on time and base on your requirements.

TextChat and Facechat is the easiest way for professionals and customers to connect after the customer has accepted the quote from the professional. 
Professionals can share photos of past projects, the current status of their projects and much more.

Customers can ask different questions depending on the job that they want done and even ask the professional about their qualifications and experience.

Professionals on the other hand, are secure in the fact, that the customer is genuine and not wasting their time sending quotes.