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Your one stop solution provider for talent acquisiotion in Sydney and Northern Beaches

Announcement posted by Tempnet Permanent & Temporary Recruitment 27 Feb 2017

The summer months are a wonderful time to visit Sydney and every year, from December onwards, thousands of Working Holiday Visa holders flock to the city in order to start their year of work, travel and adventure in a premier world city. They love the relaxed lifestyle, the Australian culture, the amazing beaches and the world famous spectre of the city’s New Year’s Eve celebrations.

Many of those, ahead of arriving, spend time looking online for recruiters and recruitment agencies in Sydney and specifically those that focus on recruitment on the Northern Beaches. The Northern Beaches offers a great lifestyle choice for backpackers and casual workers, with plentiful employment opportunities in retail, hospitality, promotions and the customer service industry as a whole.

With Tempnet focusing solely on recruitment on the Northern Beaches and North Shore, what sets us apart from other Sydney recruitment agencies is the relationships we have with the local community and local employers. Many of our clients actively seek candidates who live locally and can, especially in the case of casual and temporary work, make themselves available for work at short notice. Recruitment Agencies based in Sydney can find it harder to provide this level of service as their database is often more geographically dispersed and candidates have further to travel in order to commence work. Recruitment on the Northern Beaches ranges from corporate employers to many smaller, family run organisations that can offer flexibility in their employment arrangements and may prove a great starting point for the transient workforce.

Tempnet works closely with a number of clients who are happy to offer work to WHV holders especially if they can make a commitment to work a full 6 month period. If you are interested in working on the Northern Beaches and hold a valid visa then we are the right recruitment agency for you to contact in Sydney. Come in and register today and we will be more than happy to chat through your employment options and point you in the right direction if you are looking to make Sydney and the Northern Beaches your permanent home. Find us at www.tempnet.com.au or call on 02 9997 7777. We look forward to talking with you.