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TradesNetwork - Connect,Hire and Chat with your expert

Announcement posted by TradesNetwork 12 Mar 2017

Discover the right qualified expert for your project

We make easy the process for the businesses and professionals to be notified and win more projects and customers online.

We make simple and easy for the people to find and hire an experience and qualified service provider for their needs by comparing the professionals based on their reviews and prices. We are bringing to zero the gap between the expert and the customer by introducing to them the chat option.

Consumers in Australia are searching online for goods and services.Are searching also to find a qualified service providers for their projects and the daily needs. They are searching the web for electrican, plumber, mechanic,lawyer, flyer designer etc.We got all the services that they are looking for in one single platform. For a business and professional point of view in order to be visible and to start getting work from people it takes time, money and expertise. Not all the service providers are online, depends if they are small or large businesses. According the latest statistics small businesses got 39% web presence with 0-4 persons employed.We make more easy the process for them to get more jobs and to establish their businesses.We are giving the opportunity to a new businesses in the market, qualified traders and professionals to spread the word about their services.

1.We target small, medium businesses and independent professionals such as solicitors, accountants, wedding planners, drivers, massage therapists.

2.We target service providers who are new in the market or they are trying to get into the market.

3.We target people with qualified skills who are unemployed for some reason, perhaps they had their own businesses or their were working as a sub contractors and they are strugling to get extra jobs from customers in residential industry such as cleaners, tradies, removalists.

4.We target qualified traders from the construction industy and residential industry who are looking for jobs and customers.

5.We target households and people between the ages of 25-65 years old with internet access who are looking for a service provider online or they don’t know where and how to find a reliable qulaified person for their needs. According the latest statistics the number of households in Australia with access to the internet at home increased reaching 7.7 million.

Trades Network provide the service providers with the easy way to generate leads, attract and engage new customers. The consumer will be able to choose from a variety of professionals and to pick the best one, base on the price and business background. We provide the service providers with High quality leads,Business page listings,Product showcase,Streamlined communication and Business network in order to expose their work. We don’t charging them per lead because we want to be fair and to help them grow their businesses and to get more jobs.We don’t want to spam them either.We gonna provide them with customers ready to buy, they will not chase leads, they will not pay per job or to be charged to list their businesses.We are doing all the necessary background checks for them, we are provide them with a verified badge and they will not pay any administration fees.

The consumer wants the business or professionals to complete the task on time and base on the agreement.Thats why we verify every service provider for them in order to have a piece of mind.They also want to find someone quick,easy,cheaper and reliabe depends their badget. Moreover, they want an expert for what ever job they need help with. We will provide them with the right advice in case their project is bigger than they thought and they need more than one professional etc kitchen renovation. Consumers they don’t know from where to start, they don’t know what extra sevice provider may need in order to finish their project. Service providers they are not interesting in small projects. We gonna make sure that they will send a quote to these customers and to provide them with the appopriate service,otherwise we will band them to use on the future our service.