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Google Don't Disclose Most Algorithm Changes Now, Discussed by Nemco

Announcement posted by Nemco - The Digital Craftsmen 12 Apr 2017

Why Google Don't Disclose Most of the Google Updates & Algorithm Changes
Yes, Google doesn't disclose most of Google Updates & Algorithm changes, but why? Google's John Mueller addressed this question in a simplified manner that why they don't announce the releases and algorithm changes every day. The answer is very simple that says, "Google does hundreds of changes regularly and some of those aren't useful to disclose. They can't release updates every second day that they did two updates today, 3 yesterday and 2 or more some other day.  
According to John Mueller, "releasing the latest updates isn't always useful. Furthermore, "Google can give specific guidance to webmasters e.g. mobile-friendly update", he added. They can notify the webmasters to make their sites mobile-friendly which is something useful.
Gary Illyes from Google added that Google doesn't deny algorithm updates but confirming is something different.
Nemco's search engine marketers recommend this question to simplify the context -

Can you tell me about the Fred update? 
(Ans) This is one of the regular updates having nothing specifically to communicate about that.
According to the experts, Google makes so many updates in a year and most of them don't make a sense, not even a noticeable context.
For instance, a recent change in the ranking of mobile-friendly sites came almost two years ago which brings a big problem for the search engine marketers because the scenario wasn't aware of the necessity of mobile-friendliness. Google wanted to bring a change in the search results and thus, they spread the word about the changes so people can get some time to make necessary changes.
A comment on this post in the Serountable clarified the whole context that is,"they announce the things when they want people to comply". They let people guess about any changes when it's something they don't want any change at your end.

About the Company

Nemco, the renowned digital craftsmen in Australia encourages different small size businesses to spread their business network across the globe. They are recommending the best promotional strategies to achieve the customer’s complete satisfaction.