About Us

The BuzzBox is a small appliance that is placed between your standard home phone and the wall-socket (PSTN). The BuzzBox comes into action as soon as you pick up your telephone to make a call and starts communicating with the BuzzBridge. The BuzzBox tells the BuzzBridge the phone number you wish to call. All of this happens "behind the scenes". The BuzzBridge is an internet server that is able to make internet (VoIP) calls as instructed by the BuzzBox connecting you to the person you are calling. The BuzzBox has no monthly service fees, no long-term contracts, provides cost-effective voice calls and does not need a broadband connection to operate. Topics and issues that BuzzBox can comment on: * Australian telecommunications industry * VoIP * Broadband * Phone call costs * Telecommunications devices * Future of the industry * Design, building and operation of the revolutionary device * The science and technology behind inventing a telecommunications product Spokesperson: Kevin Fynn CEO of BuzzCorp Kevin Fynn is also the man behind the new technology. He is also Professor and Head of School, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Curtin University of Technology. He invented The BuzzBox thanks to his work with the University of Western Australia and Curtin University of Technology.