About Us

Under the Ministry of Information Industry, P.R.C., CCID is incorporated from China Center for Information Industry Development. Oriented to government bodies, enterprises, industry communities and the society, CCID offers a complete and comprehensive set of information services like industry planning, policy studies, market surveys, software testing, products R&D, software localization/document translation, networking services and so forth, unmatched by any other organization. Today, CCID is widely recognized as one of the largest, most influential and modern China's top-tier information service conglomerates. It has made a conscientious subdivision of dissemination channels, and opened up world-class services in building a perfect bridge between our clients and end-users both at home and abroad. To meet the surging Internet tide of the 21st century, to face the challenges brought with the new era after entering WTO, CCID has carried out institutional restructuring and resource consolidation to make itself robust. The four main groups are: IT, Media, Consulting and Training Education.


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://english.ccidnet.com

Office: 86-10-88558924, 88558925

Headquarters: 7 Floor, 66 Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing, 100044, China