About Us

Fat Rain Games is an Australian board games company based in Queensland. We hope that our games make you laugh and cry (but mainly laugh) about the world we live in. The vision for our company is to make a small contribution to a better world by helping people to laugh at things that are difficult to talk about. Top of our list is the generational split over how to share wealth. Next comes our own generation’s taste for competitive over-parenting. Then we want to take aim at paying taxes that don’t go to the common good but to bailing out bankers. As you can see, we think of games as a form of catharsis, and we love games as a uniquely human activity that’s also good for us. Vive homo ludens!


Websites & Online Services
Website: https://fatraingames.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fatraingames
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatraingames/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FatRainGames1

Office: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia