About Us

The HelloMind app helps users to change thought patterns, and behaviours by eliminating emotional barrieres. Employing treatment that are traditionally restricted by the accessibility of a therapist. We created the app HelloMind to help you make a change and feel stronger. You can use HelloMind anywhere, at any time, and at a low cost. Just download the app and press play. The company HelloMind is a Danish company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. We believe that digital technology offers unlimited possibilities for tools that can help people with small and large health care challenges. First and foremost, technology gives us the opportunity to help ourselves. It’s available when we need it and it’s fairly easy for anyone to access it. HelloMind is an example of how a known and recognized form of treatment that used to be restricted by the accessibility of a therapist can be transformed into a user-friendly and effective tool without restrictions.


Websites & Online Services
Website: hellomind.com

Office: 004561335157

Office: Hausers plads 20