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Like many women, Kerri Welsh had been putting off her routine mammogram due to work and life commitments. She had no noticeable lumps and no symptoms, so after a few attempts at rescheduling her BreastScreen appointments, Kerri called her local screening centre to cancel yet again. Thankfully, Kerri was encouraged to come at a later time after work. That routine mammogram showed she had breast cancer. Kerri was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2009, but her story would have been very different if she hadn’t been diagnosed early. `Kerri’s Story’ campaign is a call to women like Kerri, to make breast screening a priority and have a mammogram every two years. Screening mammograms are the most effective way to find breast cancer before it can be seen or felt. Finding breast cancer in the early stages will give these women the best chance of survival, plus treatment can be less invasive for breast cancers found early. ‘Kerri’s Story’ urges women aged 50-74 to call BreastScreen NSW on 13 20 50 to book a free screening mammogram.