About Us

MSC is a pioneer and leader in enterprise simulation solutions that improve time-to-market, ensure right-to-market, and deliver enterprise value. MSC solutions allow manufacturers to accurately predict how their designs will behave in their intended environments, without having to build and test multiple physical prototypes. MSC.Software has deep roots in the aerospace, automotive and heavy machine industries, where leading companies rely on MSC.Software to build their products. Numerous global manufacturers rest their reputation on MSC.Software's Nastran finite-element analysis technology, originally developed for the NASA space program, and its related software solutions. The aerospace industry, in particular, recognises MSC Nastran as the de facto standard in high-end analysis. In addition to application specific tools, MSC.Software also offers integrated enterprise solutions (SimXpert, SimDesigner, and SimManager) to enable the extended enterprise to leverage the advantages of enterprise-level simulation


Mobile: 0423 516 115