About Us

NTT DATA is your Trusted Global Innovator. NTT DATA uses information technology to create new paradigms and values, which help contribute to a more affluent and harmonious society. A partner to 85 percent of the Fortune 100 companies, we devise strategies to remove the pain-points that inhibit growth, while developing cost-effective solutions, with the right technology mix, to meet the demands of an agile, digital economy. Headquartered in Tokyo, NTT DATA is a top-10 global business and IT services provider with more than 118,000 professionals working in more than 50 countries and regions. With our clients, we transform technology into meaningful innovations to help humans build new and smart societies in Australia and around the globe. NTT DATA Asia Pacific - We position APAC region as both an emerging market and the delivery resource pool to provide cost competitive and high-quality service in our global strategy. We address both multinational corporations and local clients in this region. With our global capabilities, we support multinational corporations rapidly growing APAC market. https://www.nttdatasolutions.com/en-au/services/digital-transformation

Websites & Online Services
Work: https://www.nttdatasolutions.com

Office: 0417313325

Office: Level 9, Suite 9, 1 Elizabeth Plaza, Sydney, 2060, Australia