About Us

PetScripts.com.au is the leader in Australian pet pharmacy, offering discount pet medications to Australian pet owners. Founded by online retail pioneers Dr Mark Perissinotto & his brother Steven Perissinotto of the VetShopGroup, PetScripts.com.au combines the VetShopGroup's outstanding track record of fantastic customer service and industry leading processes to deliver value and efficiencies with the confidence of Australian registered pharmacists to bring Australian pet owners a website which allows them to save money on pet meds and have the advantages of online ordering and home delivery. (Note: a valid preion from an Australian veterinarian is required to order from PetScripts.com.au).

Websites & Online Services
Work: http://www.petscripts.com.au

Office: 0407124605

Office: Unit 5, 42 Owen Creek Road, Forest Glen, 4556, Australia