About Us

PropHero was launched in 2021 with the ambition to make property investment simple, transparent, time-efficient and more profitable by using data, proprietary AI algorithms and an online digital platform to offer an end-to-end property investment service, including access to real people with the right expertise. Our process emphasises wealth creation principles such as risk/return, diversification and long-term goals. We want to help you build wealth through property investment. We are the “next gen” in buyer’s agent services and we are fully operational helping clients to invest in residential real estate in Australia and Spain. In 2022, we won Proptech Association Australia's award for "Most Innovative Startup - Consumer" and we also won the overall best of the best "Startup Proptech of the Year."

Media Contacts


Websites & Online Services
Website: http://prophero.com.au
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/propheroinvestment/

Headquarters: Level 8 11-17 York St, Sydney, New South Wales, 2000, Australia