About Us

Rural Press Limited is a specialist agricultural and regional publisher that has as its hallmark, service to the communities its publications reach. The company's roots are deeply embedded in country Australia. The first publication - The Land - was launched in 1911 by a group of like-minded people who felt that farmers and graziers needed a strong advocate in the face of what was seen at the time as agriculture's diminishing political andeconomic influence. Those reasons for the introduction of The Land more than 80 years ago - because as the first editorial pointedly stated - "it is needed" - hold firm today, and have been strongly embraced by the company and its employees. Together, Rural Press' directors, management and staff are dedicated to striving tirelessly to enhance the economic, political and social well-being of rural and regional communities in every town, city, region, State and country in which the company is involved. Rural Press believes its dedication to fostering rural and regional interests wherever the company operates has been and remains a worthwhile endeavour. Rural Press Limited derives much of its revenue from country people and country-related industries. We serve the people of regional and rural Australia through our publications and our printing sites. In addition, we serve rural people in New Zealand and the United States of America. Source: http://www.ruralpress.com/corp/about.asp March 2004

Websites & Online Services
Website: http://www.ruralpress.com/index.asp

Office: +61 2 4570 4444

Headquarters: 159 Bells Line of Road, North Richmond, New South Wales, 2754, Australia