About Us

So Brave's Mission is to Empower young women diagnosed with breast cancer; raise awareness in young women to be #Breastaware; educate young women, and fundraise for breast cancer research. The charity was born following the delivery of our first So Brave Calendar in 2016. We’ve since travelled the country educating and raising awareness in young women through our So Brave Model Ambassadors, and funding $115,000 of breast cancer research and support initiatives. We’ve been touched by life-changing transformations and encouraged by seeing the joy, hope, laughter, and adoption of personal empowerment each time we’ve connected with these brave young women. So Brave exists to guide our young women to be educated, empowered, and #breastaware. We exist to empower young women to stand for themselves when faced with navigating the medical system. So Brave exists so young women can connect to their peers, feel understood and get the support they need, and bring communities together to raise awareness. So Brave undertakes research programs to understand the real-life impacts of breast cancer on young Australian women so we’re always providing the best support and advice possible.