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New one-day workshop guarantees the ultimate high-performance life plan

Announcement posted by Grace & Grit Strategic Communications Advisory 20 Sep 2022

Leadership experts Colleen Callander and Shannah Kennedy launch The Masterplan

An award-winning CEO and Australia’s foremost strategic life coach have collaborated to create a roadmap for  high-performance living with a strong foundation of leadership, health, wellbeing, culture and self-care practices  to help leaders excel for the long term.  

Launching a workshop in Sydney (11 October), and with plans to run a  national roadshow in 2023 including several regional centres, Colleen Callander and Shannah Kennedy want to  equip workers from all generations and all business types with their own masterplan focused on high performance leadership and overall wellbeing. The Masterplan is also able to be run as an in-house ‘white label’  event for companies who want Shannah and Collen to facilitate a bespoke workshop for their leaders and their  teams. 

Shannah and Colleen are encouraging professionals to take a day out of their life to sit with them and reset their  internal compass in life and work after what has been for many challenging few years and find a new path to  success. 

“We both know the importance of investing in a long-term life and action plan that covers three key pillars: Your  Life Plan, Your Leadership Style and Your Longevity Plan for long-term success. We have decided to work  together for the first time, devising The Masterplan to equip high performing leaders with a masterplan for life  and an action plan for future success,” said Shannah.  

The Masterplan is a new program to reset, refocus, refuel and re-energise. The one-day fully immersive program  will help business leaders and their employees, build new confidence and create a clear vision that will take  them from where they are now to where they want to be. The program covers the key themes of self-awareness,  self-leadership, and self-management and participants complete a 76-page workbook that creates their own  action plan with 18 core topics under the three pillars of Life, Leadership, and Longevity. 

Colleen Callander and Shannah Kennedy have known each other for two decades. Shannah has forged an  enviable career as a life strategist and coached elite athletes and high-performing executives and teams. Along  the way, she met Colleen when she was CEO of Sportsgirl, coaching her and her team for a decade. Both in  their 50s, the women are at the top of their game, having forged enviable careers while raising families and  maintaining peak fitness and now work with leaders at some of the nation’s leading brands, including Seek,  Mercedes-Benz, Deloitte, AMP, NAB, and Mirvac.  

The decision to combine their skills comes after seeing firsthand the devastating impact on usually strong  corporate leaders after grappling with two years of lockdowns and the challenges at work and home, such as  working from home, altered exercise and sleep patterns, and a lost sense of self and demising cultures. 

“The Masterplan highlights the fact that life has a way of providing you with the very best opportunities when you  create your personal future road map. It’s the ultimate program to re-engage and retain employees in our post pandemic world. It’s best suited for leaders who understand the power of a strategic plan and measurable goals,  creating a high-performance planning day unlike any other for their teams.” 

For details and event bookings see the website: https://www.themasterplan.net.au/