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LEGO Australia reveals that play reigns over perfection this Christmas

Announcement posted by LEGO Australia 17 Nov 2022

Local research uncovers what Aussie kids really want for the holiday season
  • 69% of kids love and are looking forward to opening and playing with new presents this Christmas
  • 80% of parents want to spend more time with their kids
  • Kids, now more than ever want to make something special rather than buying the perfect gift


Sydney, Australia - 16 November 2022: This year, LEGO Australia is challenging parents to let go of perfection, precision and planning and are being encouraged to take a page out of their childrens' book - taking inspiration from their creativity, playfulness and open minds.​ From spending quality time to play with family and friends, to wanting gifts that harness self-expression, the "Rebuilding the Holidays Report' conducted by LEGO Australia encourages parents to hand the reins of Christmas to kids so that families can reimagine and rediscover the true meaning of the silly season. 


As the holiday season beckons, 1 in 3 parents (37%) will find themselves stressed and asking the age-old question - how do I make this Christmas perfect? How do I top last year's Christmas celebrations? You might think the answer lies in the latest toy or the biggest tree but turns out Aussie kids have something else on their minds and wish lists.


Family magic...

The Rebuilding the Holidays research goes further in exploring play over perfection, diving into the minds of Aussie parents and children, what they are most looking forward to this holiday season, and giving parents clues to help build an unforgettable Christmas.


According to local research, more than half of Aussie parents (66%) think opening presents is what their children love the most about Christmas. Although gifts are high on the wish list, much to parents' surprise (and pleasure), more than half of Aussie kids (69%) are most looking forward to playing with family and friends, along with their presents this Christmas. A finding echoed by 66% of parents who also see their ideal Christmas as playing with their kids and new presents.


However, insights have shown that almost 1 in 3 parents (29%) admit they are too busy to dedicate as much time as they would like to play with their kids over Christmas, despite 80% of parents reporting wanting to go out of their way to spend more time with family.


Troy Taylor, Vice President and General Manager of LEGO Australia & New Zealand, says: "This Christmas, we're encouraging kids to rebuild the holidays exactly how they want  and our insights show they want it to be with family. Over the past few years, we've learnt that play matters now more than ever before, which is why we want to encourage families to spend less time perfecting the day and more time playing together this Christmas. 


Whether that's making the most of the warmer weather at the beach, or getting back to the basics of play at home with fun activities throughout the day - it's about creating memories to last a lifetime," he adds.


All I want for Christmas is...  

Aussie kids have shared how much they love presents, but everyone knows that finding the perfect gift can be hard. Local research also shows that kids find making (19%) and shopping for (13%) presents another highlight of the holiday season. Despite more kids wanting to make a special present for loved ones, kids have found it easier to buy presents (at 56%) than make them (38%). 


With an emphasis on play over perfection, picking presents can be just as special as the giving, and encourage kids to have fun finding that special gift this year, whether that is walking down the aisle or getting hands-on and creative! LEGO Australia has some awesome ideas that parents and kids can make at home to get started with.


"Christmas can be a stressful time for families, and this research reminds us that for kids it's not all about the small or perfect details, it's about creating memorable and playful experiences for the family, getting outdoors and embracing the chaos of the festive season. With warmer and longer days, there is no better time to prioritise the importance of play over perfection this holiday," says Troy.


Reimagine how we give back...

For many people around the world, the holiday season is a time for togetherness and laughter, but for a lot of families, it can be a challenging period. As part of the LEGO Group's mission to Rebuild the World, its annual initiative, Build to Give, will be kicking off again this holiday season for the sixth consecutive year. This important program encourages families, kids and LEGO fans from all around the world to get creative and help and pass on the joy of play to 2 million children in need.


To get involved, all you need to do is share an image of your LEGO build, via social media or LEGO Life with the hashtag #BuildToGive. For every image shared, the LEGO Group will donate one LEGO set to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) that distributes them to children in need, giving them the chance to play this holiday season.


The sets are distributed through the LEGO Group's network of local charity partners in 29 countries around the world.


"For many families, the Holidays are a time of celebration, where they can be together and enjoy playing. But, for some, it can be a tough time," said Diana Ringe Krogh, Vice President of Social Responsibility at the LEGO Group. "That's why #BuildToGive is so important. Over the past five years, we've been overwhelmed by the response to the initiative and want to say thank you to the families around the world who have taken part each year. Thanks to their help, we've been able to donate millions of LEGO sets to children across the globe, bringing them the joy and benefits of play."    


The #BuildToGive initiative is part of the LEGO Group's broader 'Build a Playful Holiday' campaign, which will inspire families to enjoy being together and having fun by embracing Play over Perfection over the Holiday season. As part of the campaign, the LEGO Group's Holiday icon of Play, Katy Perry, will be sharing a film showcasing her own gift that she built for #BuildToGive on social media. This will be released on her channels in the coming weeks.  


"I love that the LEGO Group is helping turn family play into a moment of giving for families all around the world. I loved making my firework shaped gift and I can't wait to see the different designs that other families share!" said Katy Perry.  

Follow the hashtag #rebuildtheholidays and #BuildToGive or visit www.lego.com/en-au/holiday-au for family-inspired Christmas fun. 




About the Research  

Research was conducted by Lonergan in September 2022 with a sample of 1,038 Aussie parents and their kids (between 2-12 years old). The data was weighted by age, gender and region.


About the LEGO Group  

The LEGO Group's mission is to inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow through the power of play. The LEGO System in Play, with its foundation in LEGO(R) bricks, allows children and fans to build and rebuild anything they can imagine. The LEGO Group was founded in Billund, Denmark in 1932 by Ole Kirk Kristiansen, its name derived from the two Danish words LEg GOdt, which mean "Play Well". Today, the LEGO Group remains a family-owned company headquartered in Billund. However, its products are now sold in more than 140 countries worldwide. For more information: www.LEGO.com 


About #BuildToGive 

In connection with the #BuildToGive 2022 Holiday Activation, the LEGO Group will donate one LEGO(R) set to charity for every gift that is built with LEGO bricks and shared on social media with #BuildToGive. Children under the age of 13 must obtain parent's permission to post to social media. Total annual donation not to exceed 2,000,000 LEGO sets with a total value of 20,000,000 USD. Previously, the company has donated over 4.5million sets to children across the globe and has increased that number this year to commemorate its 90th anniversary milestone.   


Special video with audio that you can take, featuring Zoe + Benji Marshall playing with their son Fox, and of a number of Aussie families chatting about how they'd reimagine this Holiday season 


For more information, assets or interview requests please contact LEGO@thrivepr.com.au