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Aussie Dad’s inhumane treatment breaches International Covenant, UN told Daniel Duggan’s 128 day incarceration without conviction fails key tests

Announcement posted by Daniel Duggan 25 Feb 2023

Daniel Duggan report to the United Nations Human Rights Committee

Aussie Dad’s inhumane treatment breaches International Covenant, UN told Daniel Duggan’s 128 day incarceration without conviction fails key tests


The treatment of Dan Duggan, an Aussie father of six who has been imprisoned in maximum security isolation for 128 days without any conviction, is the now the subject of a complaint to the UN on the grounds that his ongoing harsh custodial conditions constitute four violations of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).


Dan’s wife, Saffrine Duggan, said today that there had been four violations under the Covenant, to which Australia is a signatory, since Mr Duggan’s imprisonment in maximum security isolation alongside convicted terrorists, murderers and paedophiles at Silverwater’s infamous Metropolitan Remand and Reception Centre. 

The violations are:

      •     Failure to protect Mr Duggan from inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

      •     Failure to segregate Mr Duggan from convicted prisoners

      •     Violation of Mr Duggan’s right to adequate facilities for the preparation of his defence

      •     Violation of Mr Duggan’s right to confidential communication


Mrs Duggan said she had only been able to see her husband twice since his incarceration on unproven charges from the United States Government which Dan strenuously rejects as being of a political character, and politically-motivated.


“Daniel is being held in a 2m x 4m cell, without any prior (or current) convictions in conditions normally reserved for the most violent criminals,” Mrs Duggan said. “This is unprecedented and an affront to Australia’s rule of law and manipulation of the Australian legal system by the United States, at the expense of the Australian taxpayer.”


“I was shocked when I saw Dan recently.  He’s trying to fight this injustice but he’s a shadow of himself. They are trying to break him and they should be ashamed. Given the size of our family and the legal costs involved, we are struggling to make ends meet, but we will fight this injustice.”


Because Dan is being held at Silverwater in Sydney’s western suburbs, Saffrine’s rare visits involve an eight hour return drive, as she needs to quickly get back to her father’s farm in Orange to look after the six children.


Dan’s imprisonment can also be viewed in the context of the prohibition by NSW prison authorities to allow the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (‘SPT’) from inspecting jails, including Silverwater where he was incarcerated without conviction as an Extreme High Risk Restricted (‘EHRR’) and Protection Non-Association (‘PRNA’) prisoner.


Mrs Duggan said it was also ironic that over the past few weeks, officials in Canberra had been saying they would not tolerate attempts by foreign governments to influence Australia and yet were open to going along with Dan’s unfair and inhumane treatment at the behest of the United States.


“We desperately seek ongoing support and respectfully ask people demand that our government protects and defends the rule of law, due process, and Australian sovereignty,” Saffrine said.  “Please speak out against this inhumane detention, and politically motivated and unjust prosecution.


“Please also sign the petition at https://www.change.org/p/release-my-husband-australian-daniel-duggan-and-refuse-his-extradition-to-the-us and consider a donation to assist our family to fight these unfounded allegations and free Dan from jail.