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Google.org funds Schools Plus to give all Australian children the opportunity to thrive in their education

Announcement posted by Schools Plus 19 Jun 2023

Google’s philanthropic arm, Google.org has provided $3M of funding to Schools Plus to help children and young people from less advantaged backgrounds access the skills they need to thrive in the 21st Century. This grant will help young people prepare for the future workforce through skills including responsible AI, critical thinking, and digital literacy.


Schools Plus has received $3m from Google.org to fund educational initiatives for children and young people from less advantaged backgrounds.


Pioneered by David Gonski AC, Schools Plus is a not for profit organisation that is working to close the education gap caused by disadvantage. It believes that all children should have access to a great education, regardless of background or postcode.


Google Australia CEO Melanie Silva and Schools Plus CEO Rosemary Conn announced the grant in Canberra this week, alongside a number of MPs, dignitaries, Google and Australian Schools Plus staff.


The funding will be used to support Schools Plus’ work preparing around 10,000 Australian children with access to vital digital literacy skills, including innovative technologies such as responsible AI, and the critical thinking skills and dispositions for learning that are required for the 21st-century workplace.


It will also enable teachers to build further capacity and confidence in STEM teaching practices while building important connections between schools, universities, and work environments.


Schools Plus was founded following a recommendation in the first Gonski Review, which identified a need for philanthropic funding in schools in order to help close the education gap caused by disadvantage. Many of these children and young people are considered to be an average of three years behind their peers in some areas of schooling.


Comedian, mathematics guru and Schools Plus ambassador Adam Spencer, said: “Inspiring a new generation of students in STEM is what this is all about. Unlike my parents before me, I was fortunate to win a scholarship to a private school at a time when I didn’t even know private schools existed. It’s what made me incredibly passionate about helping other students get ahead in their studies and gain access to the best possible opportunities. 


“There aren’t many things that can’t be solved through mathematics, but one thing you cannot measure is the exponential impact that closing the education gap will have on not just an individual, but their family and community,” he said.


Rosemary Conn, CEO of Schools Plus, said she was delighted to receive support for such an important and worthwhile cause: “We are blessed with a wonderful education system in Australia, but we also know that not every child has access to the same opportunities. As a result, they do not always have equality when it comes to their education and their future.


“Google.org’s generous contribution will be instrumental in helping Schools Plus close the education gap that exists in Australia today, and will make a real difference in the lives of students. To date, Schools Plus has helped 500,000 students. This funding will enable us to help a substantially greater number of children and young people and equip them for lifelong learning” she said.


Schools Plus works with teachers and schools in disadvantaged areas to empower them with funding, coaching and resources to implement bespoke projects that will help their students succeed. 


Melanie Silva, Managing Director of Google Australia, said: “In order to foster innovation across our communities, we need to make sure that our young people are ready with the skills and mindsets to tackle the challenges of the future. That’s why I’m thrilled that through Google.org, Google’s philanthropic arm, we’re giving $3 million dollars in funding to Schools Plus.


“This will help Schools Plus, who we’ve been working with for six years, to develop an innovative new program that supports kids in some of our most disadvantaged areas. It’s going to help them get ready — with creative and critical thinking skills  — to jump into the STEM-related jobs our economy needs most.”


About Schools Plus

Schools Plus exists to help close the education gap caused by disadvantage, so that all children should have access to a great education regardless of their background. Founded by David Gonski AC, the charity works with teachers and schools in disadvantaged areas to empower them with funding, coaching and resources to implement initiatives that will help their students succeed. https://www.schoolsplus.org.au/



About Rosemary Conn:

Rosemary is the CEO of Schools Plus, with extensive experience in the business and not-for-profit worlds. Under Rosemary’s leadership, Schools Plus has connected with over 25% of disadvantaged schools in Australia through programs and workshops and has created major partnerships to support innovative programs that generate long-term change in schools and the wider education system.

Rosemary was named as one of the Australian Financial Review’s 100 Women of Influence in 2019, was featured in the 2019 NSW Inspiring Women showcase, and was an NFP Executive Director finalist in CEO Magazine in 2022.


About Google.Org


Google.org, Google’s philanthropy, brings the best of Google to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges combining funding, product donations and technical expertise to support underserved communities and provide opportunity for everyone. We engage nonprofits, social enterprises and civic entities who make a significant impact on the communities they serve, and whose work has the potential to produce scalable, meaningful change.