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Precision at Play

Announcement posted by SportsTech Marking 03 Jul 2023

The future of linemarking ensures perfect fields every time

SportsTech Marking, providing cutting-edge technology solutions for grassroots sports, is thrilled to announce its entry into the West Australian market. With a strong focus on revolutionising the linemarking industry, SportsTech Marking introduces the Turf Tank robot, to deliver unprecedented precision and efficiency to sports field maintenance.

Manual line marking has long been a labor-intensive and challenging task, often resulting in crooked lines despite meticulous efforts. SportsTech Marking understands the time constraints faced by volunteers who dedicate their valuable time to keeping grassroots sports running smoothly.

Unlike any other line marking robot on the market, the Turf Tank robot utilizes a local base station, ensuring precise location detection and consistent line marking every time. This unique feature enables the machine to operate without relying on cellular connectivity, making it reliable and usable in any location around the world. By leveraging this technology, SportsTech Marking not only enhances productivity but also reduces paint consumption by up to 50%.

"The Turf Tank robot affectionally called Ro-Bi empowers clubs by freeing up their time, allowing them to focus on other important tasks that allow sports to run smoothly”, said Mike Molyneux at SportsTech Marking

SportsTech Marking has a rich history of supporting grassroots sports, with a team that has been actively involved as participants, parents, committee members, and umpires for the past 15 years. The company's mission is to empower grassroots clubs with cutting-edge technology, allowing them to focus on what they do best – everything else!

When choosing SportsTech Marking, customers can expect:

GPS Accuracy: 

SportsTech Marking guarantees straight and accurately placed lines, with all remarking within 1cm of the original line.

Through the use of GPS technology, the Turf Tank robot eliminates the need for manual measurements and quickly prepares for line marking.

Eco-Friendly Approach:
By utilising a rechargeable lithium battery and reducing paint consumption, SportsTech Marking contributes to a more sustainable future.

The Turf Tank robot offers limitless customisation options, allowing fields to be marked with numbers, directional arrows, or special acknowledgments for clubs' anniversaries.

Exceptional Customer Service:
Recognising the value of volunteers' time, SportsTech Marking ensures efficient communication, checks mowing and watering schedules for optimal results, and provides completion pictures for transparency and peace of mind.

For more information about SportsTech Marking and its innovative linemarking solutions, please visit www.sportstechmarking.com.au or contact Mike on 0438 448 407