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Children's Book Designed to Help Prevent Child Abuse

Announcement posted by Everyone's got a bottom 04 Aug 2023

Child Safety Champion: "Everyone's Got a Bottom" Teaches Children to Speak Out

In light of recent distressing news about a Gold Coast man charged with child offenses, children's book, "Everyone's got a bottom," offers parents and carers an essential tool to engage in open and age-appropriate conversations about child safety and body protection. The book, authored by Tess Rowley and illustrated by Jodi Edwards, is specifically designed to empower families and communities to safeguard their children from potential harm.


The recent news article, reporting on the charges faced by a former childcare worker involving 1,623 child abuse offenses against 91 children, highlights the urgency of addressing the issue of child abuse and taking proactive measures to protect our young ones. As parents, caregivers, and educators, it is our collective responsibility to equip children with the knowledge and understanding they need to stay safe in various situations.


"Everyone's got a bottom" approaches this sensitive topic in a child-friendly, positive, and informative manner. It emphasizes the use of correct anatomical terms for body parts and provides examples of how to say "no," talk to a trusted adult, and maintain privacy. The book serves as a valuable conversation starter, gently guiding parents and carers in discussing personal boundaries and body safety with their children.


The collaboration between Tess Rowley and Jodi Edwards has been met with widespread success, as "Everyone's got a bottom" has been listed as one of the top 10 child safety books and has sold over 50,000 copies. The book's impact has been recognized through its Child Protection Week award for child safety initiatives and is a recommended child safety resource for the Department of Education Queensland and the Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum. 


"We believe that empowering children with the knowledge of their bodies and personal boundaries is a critical step in preventing child abuse," said Tess Rowley, the author of the book. "By using correct anatomical terms and providing a safe space for children to express themselves, we hope to equip families with the tools they need to keep their children safe."

The illustrator of the book, Jodi Edwards stated, "Throughout the book, you'll find delightful details that captivate young readers, such as the lead character's changing hat and the mischievous Soxy the cat hiding on each page. My illustrations were intentionally designed to engage children and foster meaningful conversations."


The creators of "Everyone's got a bottom" acknowledge the distressing nature of the recent news and the impact it can have on survivors of abuse and their loved ones. Their book aims to be part of a broader effort to promote child safety and to create an environment where children feel confident and supported in communicating about their bodies. "Children are our most precious assets, and protecting their innocence and well-being is of utmost importance," said Tess Rowley. "We hope that 'Everyone's got a bottom' can contribute to fostering a culture of awareness, openness, and prevention in homes and communities."


The book is available for purchase on the official website www.everyonesgotabottom.com and will soon be released as an eBook and will also be distributed internationally. To learn more about "Everyone's got a bottom," including past press/media and resources, please visit www.everyonesgotabottom.com


For media inquiries, review copies, and interview requests, please contact: 
Tess Rowley tesswriter21@gmail.com  Ph 0431 997 193 or 07 3396 9379
Jodi Edwards jodi@huebold.com 


About the Author: Tess Rowley is an acclaimed children's author with a lifelong focus on child and family support. Her dedication to creating meaningful children's books for government and non-government organizations has earned her numerous awards and recognition.


About the Illustrator: Jodi Edwards is an award-winning illustrator known for her whimsical and engaging work. Drawing inspiration from her diverse cultural background, she creates illustrations that resonate with children and foster curiosity and understanding. Originally from Brisbane, Jodi is now based in New York and is launching the book in the US.