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Emagine Releases Closed-Loop Marketing Suite and Reduces Customer Churn by 25 per cent for Telco Providers in Asia Pacific

Announcement posted by Emagine International 09 Apr 2003

AAPT rolls out the first implementation of Australian-developed Closed-Loop Marketing solution to maximise customer profitability
Telecommunications churn management specialist Emagine International has announced it has delivered a 25 per cent reduction in customer churn for campaigns run by telcos throughout the Asia Pacific, with the launch of its Australian-developed Emagine v3.0 Closed-Loop Marketing Suite for Telecommunications.
Telecommunications carrier AAPT has successfully completed the implementation and rollout of Emagine v3.0, and in a pilot conducted prior to full rollout experienced up to 25 per cent reduction in customer churn. AAPT expects similar figures to result from the full implementation of the solution.

David Peters, CEO of Emagine, says this figure reflects a significant opportunity for carriers and could be worth US$30 billion to the industry. According to a survey of 30 global mobile operators, customer churn cost the mobile telecommunications industry alone an estimated US$122 billion in lost customers and margin erosion in 2001. Those surveyed said that luring new customers was no longer a priority and that churn rate was among the top three causes for concern to their businesses.
"Telecommunications companies in increasingly competitive markets are less focussed on acquiring new customers, and more interested in customer profitability leadership, where they can extract maximum value from their existing customers," said Mr Peters. "Emagine v3.0 is the only solution designed specifically for telecommunications providers which calculates the profitability of each individual customer, and manages campaigns based on profitably meeting their needs."
The key differentiator of Emagine's solution is that it calculates the individual value of customers, down to the profitability of every call made for each customer. This allows operators to understand the true value of the specific customer to their business, and target campaigns to the customer according to their value to the business. For example, Emagine would indicate what discount packages a carrier could offer the customer to reap the greatest return.
Committed to driving competition in the Australian telecommunications market through the provision of quality and competitively-priced communications services, AAPT recognised that to stay competitive, it needed to be smarter in how it identified and retained its customers. In September 2002, AAPT conducted a trial of the Customer Retention module in Emagine V3.0, and is now undertaking an enterprise wide adoption of Emagine V3.0 Customer Retention and Campaign Management modules.
"AAPT is focussed on providing the optimum service to our customers as we recognise it is much more economical to retain customers than acquire new ones," said Greg Armstrong, Director Consumer and Commercial, AAPT. "Emagine's solution provides intelligent data about our customers, their value and remembers over time which offers are most effective in keeping our customers on board. The pilot demonstrated significant reduction in customer churn and we are confident we will mirror these results in the live rollout, ultimately enabling us to retain profitable customers and increase our revenue."
About Emagine v3.0 CLMS for Telecommunications
Emagine v3.0 Closed-Loop Marketing Suite enables operators to pursue customer profitability leadership by rapidly deploying intelligent, high impact churn management and revenue stimulation strategies across multiple customer touch-points. Specifically, Emagine v3.0 is a modular set of products and services comprising: Emagine Customer Valuation Server, Emagine Customer Retention, Emagine Campaign Management, Emagine Customer Loyalty and Emagine Data Mining and Analytics.
The core of Emagine v3.0 Closed-Loop Marketing Suite is the Customer Valuation Server, which is event driven and captures and processes transactions in real-time. Any event that the customer undertakes - making or receiving calls, sending an SMS or downloading data, placing a customer service call or accepting a marketing offer - either credits or debits from their individual valuation profile. For example, value is credited when they make or receive a call and debited when they access the helpdesk or accept a marketing offer.
Coupled with Emagine v3.0 Customer Retention, Campaign Management or Customer Loyalty modules an operator has the ability to execute and manage any series of churn management or event driven initiatives to maximise the return of their high value customers.
About emagine international
Emagine International provides closed-loop marketing solutions that enable telecommunications operators to pursue customer profitability leadership by creating intelligent, value-based customer interaction at each customer touch point. Emagine's churn management products are designed specifically for the high volume environment of telcos and the company has over 40 telecommunications clients throughout the European and Asia Pacific region. For more information on Emagine International see www.emagine-int.com.