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Intel Announces Technology Middleware To Accelerate Peer-To-Peer Capabilities

Announcement posted by Intel 30 Aug 2001

Intel Showcases Platform Expertise To Help Drive Advances In Peer-to-Peer Computing
Intel Corporation today announced the forthcoming availability of peer-to-peer (P2P) technology building blocks to help accelerate P2P capabilities in software by next generation software application developers.

The announcement marks the first technology release of Intels P2P program, announced at IDF Spring 2001 by Pat Gelsinger, vice president and chief technology officer of the Intel Architecture Group. The goals of this program are to catalyse the P2P industry, create momentum for P2P, and deliver P2P technology building blocks to drive adoption of P2P capabilities within applications.

P2P computing offers tremendous potential to expand enterprise and consumer computing based on the power of the desktop PC and Pentium 4 microprocessor, said Louis Burns, vice president and general manager, Intels Desktop Products Group. Intel is developing additional building blocks to address the issues of IT and consumers and reduce time to market for application development.

The first release of the technology is targeted for XML Web services and improves
the creation and deployment of peer-to-peer services, utilising existing industry standards (e.g. SOAP) and development tools while also supporting interoperability between peer-to-peer enabled applications. The technology will be instrumental in aiding the addition of collaboration, knowledge management / P2P search, and efficient content distribution capabilities to XML Web services applications. The technology middleware includes support for location independence, encryption and availability. This will help ISVs prototype and develop new peer-to-peer capabilities within their applications on the Microsoft .NET Framework. The Microsoft .NET Framework was chosen for the first release due to its support for P2P capabilities.

Microsoft supports Intel's efforts to target the innate P2P capabilities of the .NET Framework," said David Stutz, group program manager at Microsoft Corp. "Intel's P2P technology highlights the .NET Framework's features for integrating P2P and XML Web services and will provide a solid step on the road to building interoperable P2P applications."

Intel has been working with application developers to help craft the technology and ensure that critical P2P issues are addressed. DiamondCluster International, a global business strategy and technology solutions firm, and Lante Corporation, an information technology consulting company focused on helping companies collaborate via the Internet, are working with Intel in the development of P2P technology to accelerate general peer-to-peer adoption.

"While we have found current peer-to-peer technology solutions helpful in delivering value to our clients, Lante is eager to see improved standards and reference implementations," said Marvin Richardson, Lante's chief technology officer. "We're pleased to be working with Intel to help bring the same benefits to peer-to-peer platforms that Intel has delivered for computing platforms -- greater industry productivity and widespread technology adoption."

The P2P technology middleware will be available for evaluation in Q42001. Software developers interested in working with Intel on this and future rounds of P2P
technology should visit http://www.intel.com/ids/p2p.


About IDF
Intel Developer Forum is a worldwide program that gives developers the technical information and vision they need to succeed in creating innovative products for the Internet economy. The IDF Fall 2001 conference features a full slate of sessions and hands-on labs,
along with numerous demonstrations of cutting-edge products and technologies. Industry
Participants include software and hardware developers of communications equipment, servers, PC and handheld clients. Visit http://developer.intel.com/idf for more on the IDF conferences (San Jose, Calif., Aug. 27-30; Tokyo, Sept. 26-27; Taipei, Taiwan, Oct. 22-23; Shenzhen, People's Republic of China, Oct. 25-26). For the latest information on technology developments throughout the year, visit Intel Developer Update at http://developer.intel.com/update.

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Email: stephanie.silvester@intel.com