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Pedalling towards a healthier future

Announcement posted by People on Bicycles 28 Aug 2023

We are excited to announce the launch of the "Healthy Way To School" program, a pilot initiative to encourage active transport among high school students.  Developed as an extension of our primary school bike education program, this fully funded four-week program funded by Heathway and Fuel to Go will equip high school students with the safe riding skills and confidence to choose active transport for their daily commutes and foster a love for bike riding.


Some Perth suburbs see just 20% of students using active transport for their daily commute.  This program will support students who haven’t learned to ride a bicycle to gain a new skill, and those capable of riding will become more competent riders able to navigate low to medium trac environments safely.


“Some of my favourite memories were riding my bike to school.  The average commute for high schoolers is 6km.  That’s a really pleasant and achievable ride to and from school.  We hope to remove some of the barriers to riding to school and allow teenagers the independence to manage their commute” Shares Christina Neubauer, Managing Director of People on Bicycles.


It has been shown bike riding has numerous positive health outcomes, from reducing sedentary lifestyles to improving heart rate and cognitive function. By supporting teenagers with essential skills at this pivotal time and encouraging riding to school they may become adults who ride. 


The four week Key Program Features:


- A  four-week program focused on safe and confident cycling, designed to engage and empower students.

- Expert training and guidance to equip non-riders with essential bike skills and enable competent riders to navigate traffic environments safely.

- A social school ride event, where students will showcase their newfound abilities and conquer a 6km ride, promoting safe access to the school.


"We are thrilled to invite high schools to participate in this initiative," added Christina. "By becoming part of the 'Healthy Way To School' program, schools have the opportunity to create a lasting impact on their students' health, well-being, and self-confidence."


High schools interested in joining the program and fostering a culture of active transport are invited to express their interest by completing an online expression of Interest. 


Expressions of interest launch today. We can provide this program in Term 4 2023. 




People on Bicycles started in 2015 and has since partnered with local councils, other social enterprises and businesses to help build a bicycle community. We know that  making the bicycle one of many transport options people use – not just contemplate – has an incredibly positive impact on individuals and their communities.


From being healthier, happier, more connected to creating a smaller carbon footprint and safer communities – all due to using the humble treadlie.



For media inquiries, please contact:


Christina Neubauer


[0424 080 695]