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Outstanding Progress: Sifu Maurice's Asperger's Student Shines after Completing 6-Month Term

Announcement posted by Melbourne Sport & Street Wing Chun Kung Fu 11 Oct 2023

Sifu Maurice Novoa, the renowned martial arts instructor, has once again proven the transformative power of Wing Chun Kung Fu. His student, Nicholas Rivero, who has Asperger's syndrome, has successfully completed his initial 6-month training term at Melbourne Sport and Street Wing Chun Kung Fu. Nicholas's remarkable progress is a testament to the impact that dedicated training and the guidance of a skilled teacher can have on a student's life.

A Six-Month Journey of Triumph

Nicholas Rivero began his martial arts journey at Melbourne Sport and Street Wing Chun Kung Fu just six months ago. At the outset, Nicholas faced unique challenges due to his diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome, including issues with communication, social interaction, coordination, and responsiveness to instruction. However, through his determination and Sifu Maurice Novoa's tailored guidance, Nicholas has made extraordinary strides.


Report on Student Progress

A report by Sifu Maurice Novoa highlights the challenges Nicholas initially faced and the remarkable improvements he has made over the last six months:

Initial Challenges:

  • Communication: Nicholas tended to talk excessively during lessons, sometimes disrupting the class's flow.
  • Social Interaction: He occasionally left the class abruptly and forgot to shake hands with fellow students after each session.
  • Coordination and Technique: His coordination was below average for his age, and his kicks and punches lacked power.
  • Response to Instructions: Nicholas exhibited frustration when given instructions during training.
  • Conversational Skills: His conversations and questions were less engaging for students his age, and the YouTube videos he shared were not particularly interesting.

Progress and Achievements:

  • Focus and Participation: Nicholas is now remarkably focused during lessons and speaks very little, allowing the class to run smoothly.
  • Social Growth: He has become more sociable and approachable, consistently remembering to shake hands with fellow students after each class.
  • Intellectual Development: His conversations and questions have become more engaging, reflecting growth both inside and outside the academy.
  • Attitude towards Instruction: Nicholas now responds positively to instructions given by the instructor.
  • Technical Proficiency: His coordination and power have reached the expected levels for someone of his age. In a recent class, he demonstrated a high level of skill and even assisted a new student in mastering various techniques.

A Testimonial from a Fellow Student

Guy Weaver, a fellow student who has trained alongside Nicholas for over six months, has observed his transformation. Guy emphasized Nicholas's newfound confidence, focus, and dedication to self-improvement. He noted the positive impact that martial arts, taught by Sifu Maurice Novoa, can have on mental health, drawing parallels with his own experiences with ADHD. Guy believes that the discipline, focus, and respect learned in martial arts should be recognized as a form of mental strength.


Support from a Respected Psychiatrist

The valuable support for Sifu Maurice Novoa's transformative work doesn't stop with the testimonials and remarkable progress of his students. Dr. Christopher Corcos, a highly esteemed consultant psychiatrist with expertise in forensic psychiatry, has added his voice to the chorus of acclaim.

In a letter dated October 9, 2023, Dr. Corcos passionately endorsed the impact that Sifu Maurice Novoa and martial arts have on young people facing significant challenges, particularly those on the autistic spectrum. With years of experience in understanding how to keep disconnected, disenfranchised young men out of acute mental health services and the legal system, Dr. Corcos sees a clear answer.

He explained that these young men, in particular, need a strong male role model who can guide them through the tumultuous journey of individuation and separation during their development. It's a challenging path, but individuals like Sifu Maurice Novoa have made it their mission to provide this guidance.

Dr. Corcos highlighted the effectiveness of martial arts programs, such as Wing Chun, in offering an alternative to competitive sports like Mixed Martial Arts or boxing. Instead of seeking confrontation, Wing Chun prioritizes non-participation, conflict avoidance, and de-escalation. It teaches valuable life skills in anger management, temper control, and non-confrontational approaches.

Drawing from his own experience, Dr. Corcos shared that he studied Wing Tsun, a derivative of Wing Chun, for several years. He emphasized that, for those who commit to their training, there's no faster, safer, or more reliable way to develop inner confidence, particularly in interpersonal communication and relating. Wing Chun consistently fosters an appreciation for peers, instructors, and the group as a whole.

Dr. Corcos's letter goes beyond just recognizing the positive aspects of martial arts. He underlines the profound impact on these students' lives, leading to their growth, learning, and healing. Regardless of whether they have been diagnosed as "on the spectrum," the training provides a real chance to set their lives on a better path.

In a closing invitation, Dr. Corcos urged anyone who questions the importance of Sifu Maurice Novoa's work to delve into the world of Wing Chun and learn more about autistic spectrum disorder. He encouraged a greater understanding of the contributions that kung fu instructors like Sifu Maurice make to community safety and healing, particularly when working with some of the most challenging young individuals.

Dr. Corcos's support serves as a powerful endorsement of Sifu Maurice Novoa's dedication and the positive impact of martial arts in the lives of young people facing significant obstacles. His insights underscore the importance of recognizing the broader applications of martial arts in fostering personal growth, confidence, and resilience.


A Unique Opportunity Enabled by NDIS

It's worth noting that Nicholas's training has been made possible through the support of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This support has allowed him access to Sifu Maurice Novoa's exclusive academy, where he trains under the highest Wing Chun master in the state of Victoria. Without NDIS funding, Nicholas would have struggled to afford such an exceptional opportunity.

Sifu Maurice Novoa and his academy have once again demonstrated that martial arts can be a powerful tool for personal development and healing. Nicholas's success story is a shining example of how dedication, guidance, and the support of a strong martial arts community can change lives for the better.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact: Sifu Maurice on 0402857777


About Melbourne Sport and Street Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy

Melbourne Sport and Street Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy, under the esteemed leadership of Sifu Maurice Novoa, stands as an exemplary martial arts institution located in the heart of Melbourne at 36 Angelique Grove, Albanvale VIC 3021. With a legacy of excellence spanning over years, this academy has earned its reputation as a premier hub for Wing Chun Kung Fu in the region.

Sifu Maurice Novoa, an acclaimed martial artist who was inducted into the American Martial Arts Hall of Honors, brings a wealth of experience to his teaching. His dedication to both the practice and instruction of Wing Chun has set a standard of excellence in the martial arts community.

In addition to his outstanding achievements, Sifu Maurice Novoa recently conducted a successful workshop overseas, further establishing his reputation as a leading authority in Wing Chun.

Furthermore, the academy is home to the renowned "Fighting Tigers" team, which has consistently excelled in martial arts tournaments over the last decade. The team has proudly taken home 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place trophies in every tournament they've entered, demonstrating the academy's commitment to excellence and the caliber of its students.

With its inclusive atmosphere, Melbourne Sport and Street Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy welcomes individuals of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. It offers a unique opportunity for students to embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and the mastery of martial arts, all within the guidance of Sifu Maurice Novoa, a true luminary in the world of martial arts.