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A Disappointing Result for Reconciliation.

Announcement posted by Reconciliation NSW 15 Oct 2023

Media Release 15 October, 2023

Yesterday we received the devastating news that Australia is not ready to embrace the voices of the First Peoples of this continent. 


It is not the first time the aspirations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have been rejected. It is a familiar story and has never deterred the resilience of Elders and leaders to be voices for change in their communities. 


Despite this disheartening outcome, millions of Australians want change. During this campaign, we've seen people from all walks of life united, volunteering their time with an optimism for a better Australia. People have come together in overwhelming numbers to show that Australians will show up and work for a fairer, and more socially just future. 


"This is one of a thousand examples of goodwill and unification initiated by this referendum. The willingness to collaborate and come together in support of self-determination for our people is something I am really proud to be part of, and I am hopeful this community building spirit continues." - Reconciliation NSW Indigenous Co-Chair, Worimi man Josh Gilbert.


We are grateful to and inspired by so many people who joined the call to action. Reconciliation NSW joined efforts with the Allies for Uluru coalition; a group of 275+ organisations across civil society in support of Voice, Treaty & Truth. Together, and with our volunteers, members and partners, we have contributed to this moment in history by conducting civic engagement and education across NSW communities, to amplify and celebrate the voices of the oldest living cultures on earth.


We have built momentum and grown recognition and understanding that we need change in our communities. The need for local and national truth telling, anti-racism education, and community capacity building is evident.


"We are determined to continue the journey in partnership with Aboriginal communities and leaders, to work towards justice and truth. Our work isn't over, we will keep going. But now is the time to reflect and to rest; to gather ourselves before the next phase so that we can build on this goodwill and momentum." Reconciliation NSW non-Indigenous Co-Chair, Annie Tennant said.


We must listen to what is asked of us and take the time to reflect on our hard work, knowing that we did everything we could, together. Each of us should take a break and recharge so that we can return together with strength to continue the fight for change, towards a more just, equitable and reconciled NSW for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and for all of us. 


We thank you for your work. Please take care of yourselves, and each other. 


The work of truth, justice and reconciliation is needed now more than ever. Let's show up together to continue this unfinished business.  


Please visit reconciliationnsw.org.au to join, find a local reconciliation group, or enquire re: starting a new group.  


Media Contact: Tristan Tipps-Webster, CEO, Reconciliation NSW, M: 0408 054 154



About Reconciliation NSW:

Established in 1997, Reconciliation NSW is an independent, not-for-profit membership organisation dedicated to advancing reconciliation. We lead, educate and support people in NSW to work together to create more reconciled, just and equitable communities through education, awareness and community engagement.