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How an Australian Artist is responding to the arts workforce crisis

Announcement posted by Sarah Daly Art 01 Nov 2023

New research-based online course addresses critical skills gap and empowers artists to have financially rewarding careers

Brisbane, Australia - In a world where the starving artist trope runs rampant, statistics indicate that many professionally trained artists are still earning merely 47% of the average Australian income. But this narrative is about to change.

Sarah Daly, an Australian artist, experienced this gap firsthand. In her quest to find the right education to sustain her artistic dreams, she was met with glaring educational gaps. With the absence of tailored business education for artists in university curriculums and other educational platforms, the financial struggles faced by artists aren't shocking.

Australia's Revive strategy, initiated by the government to address these critical skills gaps, is a step in the right direction. But as the strategy takes its baby steps, artists need immediate and actionable solutions.

Enter Creatr, Sarah Daly's response to this industry-wide gap. "In 2022, I completed the Global Art Success Study, delving deep into the practices of over 300 global artists to unearth the factors contributing to financial success in art," shares Sarah. Through her exhaustive research, she pinpointed seven success factors, which, interestingly, mirrored the practices of successful entrepreneurs but were tailored for artists.

Sarah has channeled these findings into the **Full Time Artist Formula** - an online course crafted from her groundbreaking research. Early outcomes reveal artists experiencing:

- A renewed confidence in their artistic journey
- Tailored business insights making art careers more sustainable 
- Effective marketing techniques that ensure commercial success
- Increased art sales 


Robyn Markey, an artist, elaborates on her transformative journey with the course: "Sarah's course was a revelation. From understanding my art buyers to refining my social media strategy, the insights have been invaluable. The week post-course? I sold three paintings!"


**About Sarah Daly**:

Sarah Daly, the visionary behind Creatr, is an Australian artist acclaimed for her large-scale commissions in collaboration with interior designers and property developers. With an art school background, she got an MBA and went into the business world. She co-founded four companies. She is now undertaking her PhD at Queensland University of Technology, and embarked on the Global Artist Success Project in 2022. After starting Creatr in 2023, she's changing the narrative for artists globally.


**For more information**:

Course: [The Full Time Artist Formula](https://creatr-art.mykajabi.com/full-time-artist-formula)

Website: [Creatr](https://www.creatr.art/)

LinkedIn: [Sarah Daly](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-daly-art/)

Email: sarah@creatr.art



**End of Release**



Sources: The average Australian salary based on a 30 hour work week is $90,329, and that has experienced a 1.4% rise year-on-year. It is staggeringly - 53% more - than what an artist earns. ABS May 2021