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Data Intelligence Launches in Australia, Inviting Marketers to "Work Your Data Harder"

Announcement posted by Data Intelligence 05 Dec 2023

Data Intelligence for Marketers by Marketers

BRISBANE - 5 DEC 2023 - Launching today, Data Intelligence is an agency designed to bring technology and marketing together to make data and martech work harder for Australian marketers and advertisers. Founder and Managing Director, Sean Cooper and his team boast a century of combined experience across a wide range of industries, helping organisations solve marketing problems with the intelligent use of data.


"Every organisation is working to activate more data so it's actually usable, analysed and put to work informing the business and generating value for the business. Despite all that work and countless data project implementations and use cases, we're told that 89% of organisations struggle to activate their data," said Cooper. 


"Data Intelligence will help its clients join the 11% that harness the full potential of their data. Not only that," said Cooper, "we'll be helping companies use that data to guide the very marketing, advertising and media strategies they're relying on for brand awareness, product and services promotion and winning new customers."


Martech is a buzzword with a whole industry of vendors, consultants, integrators, implementors and commentators behind it, offering a wide range of products, advice and opinions. Agnostic in terms of tech stack, media partners, advertising services agencies and martech vendors, Data Intelligence is dedicated to simplifying the intricate relationship between technology and marketing.


Key Focus Areas: Platform, Governance, Growth


"The Data Intelligence team has developed a systematic approach to solving marketing problems with the intelligent use of data," said Cooper. "We kick things off by asking - and answering - crucial questions across three key areas as we assess clients' specific data maturity, capabilities and needs: Platform, Governance, and Growth." 

"From proof of concept through to outcomes that drive better marketing and advertising results, we will identify, recommend and activate the data management and analytics solutions that make sense for each client," said Cooper. 


Making data work harder will involve data audits, fixing data integrations and ensuring data availability. In many cases, most of the technology will already be in place, and Data Intelligence will provide agnostic recommendations on analytics tools and licenses, CDP selection and deployment or composable CDP development as required. 


Every Data Intelligence client will receive a customised data solution roadmap of data-driven services from customer segmentation and graphical analysis through to offer optimisation, media mix modelling and measurement. 


Data Intelligence is a new agency under the Audience Group umbrella, operating independently of its other divisions. 




About Data Intelligence:

Data Intelligence is an independent, Australian data and analytics firm dedicated to transforming marketing, advertising, and media strategy through the intelligent use of technology and data. With a commitment to simplifying complex challenges, Data Intelligence ensures marketing professionals can make their data work as hard as they do. 



Data Intelligence Contact:

Sean Cooper

Managing Director

0400 244 336
