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Farmhouse Kinder Opening

Announcement posted by Good News Lutheran College 14 Mar 2024

From an old Farmhouse to a new Kindergarten

Good News Lutheran College (GNLC) was originally developed on a farmland in Tarneit. The College shared the land with a brick farmhouse, where an elderly couple resided. Their property boasted a splendid orchard featuring a variety of trees, from quinces to olives and figs. A captivating collection of Aloe Vera and huge Prickly Pear plants adorned the surroundings which provided privacy for the residence. The students swiftly grasped the lesson of avoiding kicking the footy or any ball into those plants, understanding that retrieval proved challenging, and any attempts often resulted in spiked or flattened outcomes. These plants lead down to a large dam in the middle of their property, where the GNLC basketball court and Tech building are now.


Times have certainly changed! There were many occasions when torrential rains flooded the land, and at times, the water would not drain away for days. So, gumboots were practically part of the uniform. The farmhouse property also housed adorable sheep and goats, creating a joyous view for staff who could look out of their office window and witness the playful antics of adorable lambs frolicking about. The schoolyard itself frequently transformed into a dynamic backdrop for various learning adventures. Exploring lambs, venturing to the pond, observing the ducklings in the pond, navigating mounds, and glimpsing at the horses became routine. 


The farmhouse also held a personal connection as the grandchildren of the elderly couple, Joshua and Tiana Pace, graced our school. Following the school's acquisition of the land from the Pace family, the farmhouse continued to serve fond memories to our school community. Today, the land hosts a Kindergarten that is run by Lutheran Education Victoria, New South Wales and Tasmania (LEVNT). This Kindergarten has been designed to pay tribute to the rich history it once held. The Kindergarten is named 'Farmhouse Kinder' after the old brick farmhouse that the community remember fondly. Farmhouse Kinder features state-of-the-art facilities and modern barn-inspired architecture. It also proudly offers fully funded kindergarten programs for three and four-year-old children, with two 7.5-hour sessions per week per child, as well as Allied Health Services through Wonder Kidz.


To celebrate the official opening of Farmhouse Kinder, a special place within our community, GNLC hosted an opening ceremony on Tuesday 12 March. Dylan Wight MP (State Member for Tarneit) unveiled the plaque, and children representing the Kinder cut the official red ribbon with GNLC Principal, Fiona McAuliffe. The Wyndham community is looking forward to witnessing the rich history of the Farmhouse continue to unfold for years to come. 


Full gallery: Farmhouse Kinder Opening by Good News Lutheran College