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Defying Ageism: Video Rocks the Internet with Grey Hair and a Bold Message

Announcement posted by Dawn & Dusk Co. 16 Apr 2024

Over 3 million views and thousands of comments across women's TikTok videos, igniting a conversation about embracing natural beauty and defying societal expectations.

Sydney, 16 April 2024 - Emily, the founder of Dawn & Dusk Co., has sparked a social media frenzy with her recent TikTok video challenging age stereotypes. Emily's first video ( https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFGCMeFa/ ) invites viewers to guess her age, whilst showcasing her natural grey hair. The response was overwhelming, with many attributing her perceived age to her grey hair and making assumptions based on societal norms. One commenter even guessed her age to be 58, highlighting the prevalence of ageism and the pressure to conform to youth-centric standards.


However, Emily's subsequent video ( https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFGQwExH/ ), where she addressed the 58-year-old comment, Emily revealed her true age of 36. This revelation sparked further discussion about the impact of age stereotypes and the importance of embracing one's natural appearance.


Despite the initial shock, Emily's video also garnered support from viewers who celebrated her authenticity and confidence. Many praised her for challenging stereotypes and advocating for self-acceptance and empowerment at any age.


For Emily, this viral moment is not just about gaining social media fame; it's about promoting a message of authenticity and self-love that aligns with the values of her upcoming business, Dawn & Dusk Co. As a soon-to-be-launched pyjama brand, Dawn & Dusk Co. aims to provide women with comfortable and stylish sleepwear that allows them to feel confident and comfortable in their own skin.


"We are so used to seeing faces with filters, photoshop and cosmetic procedures that we've lost touch with reality," says Emily. Proved by people's responses to another video where she used an aging filter and most people didn't realise ( https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFt2qHr6/


"I stopped dying my hair in lockdown and embraced my grey. Women want to feel comfortable being themselves, we're tired of trying to be 25 all of the time. This is why I founded Dawn & Dusk Co. To me, PJs are the ultimate gateway to comfort. When a woman feels comfortable, everything else falls into place. She can do amazing things when she's not paralyzed by the need to be accepted. I am on a mission to empower women to embrace their natural beauty and feel confident in who they are, at any age."


Through this press release, Emily hopes to continue spreading her message of authenticity and self-acceptance, while also generating awareness for Dawn & Dusk Co. and its mission to redefine beauty standards.


For more information about Emily and Dawn & Dusk Co., visit www.dawndusk.com.au 
